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Interventional radiology patient experience: My interventional radiologist was a godsend

‘My interventional radiologist was a godsend’ A woman aged in her 40s had dealt with heavy bleeding during her periods all her life and knew there was a family history so never thought anything of the symptom.  She...

Casual Vacancy Positions on Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council

Expressions of interest are being called to fill casual vacancy positions on the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council. This is your opportunity to provide input into the work of the Faculty; promote and address the challenges...
Clinical Radiology

Supervision Training and Teaching of Clinical Radiology Trainees - Protected Time

This policy prescribes the RANZCR minimum mandatory requirements for supervision, training and teaching of Clinical Radiology trainees in both RANZCR training programs

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Clinical Radiology

Trainees and Unaccredited Sites

This policy establishes the College’s position regarding the assignment of accredited Clinical Radiology trainees to work at or for unaccredited sites

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Expert Witness Guidelines

The Guidelines for RANZCR Fellows who act as Expert Witnesses.

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Radiation Oncology

Training Network Directors Committee Terms of Reference

Terms of reference for the Faculty of Radiation Oncology's Training Network Directors Committee

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Clinical Radiology

Past Exam Film Reporting March 2011 RAD

Film Reporting March 2011 Past Exam Paper RAD

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

Protection for College Activities and Information Policy

Details of protections available for College information, and for individuals involved in College activities, from legal and other investigations.

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Confidential Information Policy

Policy that establishes which information the College will treat as Confidential Information and the responsibilities of Staff Members, Members and Stakeholders who receive Confidential Information.

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Conflict of Interest Policy

Policy outlining the College’s practices for identifying, avoiding and managing conflicts of interest.

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