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Post-Fellowship Opportunities
As a clinical radiologist who has completed training, it’s important to continue to learn and develop skills.
One way to do this is through the RANZCR Continuing Professional Development program.
However, there are also opportunities for those who want to do more focused ongoing study and research:
- The Fellowship Experience
- Postgraduate study
- Writing for publication
The Fellowship Experience
The Fellowship Experience includes a range of fellowships undertaken by clinical radiologists who have completed their training and gained Fellowship to the College. Fellowships are advertised at RANZCR Jobs and through the College’s Grants, Awards and Prizes program. Your fellowship activities can take place in Australia or New Zealand, or overseas.
Advanced Training Fellowships are available to newly graduated trainees who seek additional specialised training within an area of clinical radiology.
Research Fellowships are merit-based or financial aid scholarships which financially support the applicant to successfully complete a research project or piece of work.
You can apply for a Travelling Fellowship to present a lecture (or series of lectures) on a particular topic, usually within your area of expertise to peers. RANZCR offers a number of Travelling Fellowships, visit our Awards and Prizes pages
Postgraduate Study
There are two main types of postgraduate programs: research and coursework.
Research programs include but are not limited to:
- Masters (by research): Completion of an original piece of research, more limited in scope and nature than that required for a PhD.
- Doctor of Philosophy: Awarded for a substantial original contribution to the knowledge or understanding of the discipline and demonstrated capacity for independent research.
Coursework programs include:
- Graduate Diploma: An opportunity for advanced study in an area of current practice in disciplines such as diagnostic radiography or nuclear medicine technology.
- Masters (by coursework): A chance to extend professional understanding, change careers or adjust to changing employment requirements. May include a research component.
Writing for Publication
We encourage researchers to publish in our peer reviewed publication, the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology (JMIRO).
You can also submit your work to other respected journals in the field of clinical radiology. Visit our Research page for a list of recommended research journals.
For help writing for publication, see these documents:
FAQs about the h-index when publishing
FAQs about impact factors when publishing
Other Research Opportunities
There are a number of institutions that offer research opportunities in clinical radiology. Visit our Research page for a list of these institutions.