The Radiation Oncology Training Program is designed as a five-year training program and structured in two major phases.
This sequencing is to ensure trainees develop foundation knowledge and skills during Phase 1 and then have the opportunity to further develop their abilities and breadth of practice during Phase 2 of the training program.
Phase Progression in the Training Program
Trainees will continue in each phase until they have achieved the expected standard of competence and completed the training requirements of that phase. The length of each phase is determined by each trainee’s progress. Trainees will progress at different rates; some trainees who have completed similar learning prior to commencing the training program may progress more quickly, others may need additional time to acquire the expected knowledge and skills to demonstrate competence.
Fellowship of the RANZCR (FRANZCR)
Completion of the Training Program leads to certification as a Fellow of the College (FRANZCR). Fellowship of RANZCR is the only post-graduate qualification which leads to recognition as a radiation oncologist in Australia or New Zealand. Fellowship is awarded after all training program requirements are met.
Summary of the Training Requirements in each Phase
Anticipated Duration of Phase
- Minimum accredited training time: 18 months
- Maximum time: 30 accredited months.
Learning Outcomes Primary Focus
- Section One – Oncology Sciences
- Section Two – Care of the Oncology Patient
- Section Three – Treatment Modalities
- Section Six – Intrinsic Roles
Structured Learning Experiences
- Oncology Sciences Workshops
- Phase 1 Practical Oncology Experiences (POEs)
Work-Based Assessment
- Patient Encounter Assessment Tool (PEAT)
- Contouring and Plan Evaluation Tool (CPET)
Monitoring and Review
Progression to Phase 2
Details on Phase 1 requirements are available in Section Two: Overview of the Training Program in the Radiation Oncology Training Program Handbook.
Anticipated Duration of Phase 2
- Dependent on trainees demonstrating competency (usually a minimum of 36 months).
- Maximum training time for the program: Up to 10 years (Phase 1 + Phase 2).
Learning Outcomes Primary Focus Section Two - Care of the Oncology Patient
- Section Three – Treatment Modalities
- Section Four – Symptom Control and Palliative Care
- Section Five – Care of the Oncology Patient Applied to Specific Tumour Sites
- Section Six – Intrinsic Roles
Work-Based Assessment
- Patient Encounter Assessment Tool (PEAT)
- Contouring and Plan Evaluation Tool (CPET)
- Case Report and Discussion Tool (CRDT)
- Communication Skills Tool (CST)
Structured Learning Experiences
- SMART Workshops
- Phase 2 Practical Oncology Experiences (POEs)
Monitoring and Review
Details on Phase 2 requirements are available in Section Two: Overview of the Training Program in the Radiation Oncology Training Program Handbook.
To view the Training Requirements Policy, click below:
Training Requirements Policy