Health Professionals & Consumers
Clinical Radiology Education Opportunities
These resources and educational opportunities will help you develop expert skills.
These resources and educational opportunities will help you develop expert skills.
The College has made available recorded sessions from some of the former scientific meetings and local Branch events through a webcast library. The library contains a suite of sessions from 2010 onwards.
A series of webinars have been developed to inform trainees, Directors of Training, and Networks about the key changes to the Clinical Radiology and Radiation Oncology Training Programs.
Each of the webinars will feature clinicians that have been involved in the development of the various components of the 2022 Training Program. The webinar series provides an overview of the 2022 Training Program including learning outcomes, transition arrangements, work-based assessments, and the e-Portfolio system.
View the TAR webinars here.
Annual Scientific Meetings (ASMs) provide an opportunity to learn about recent advances in the fields of clinical radiology and radiation oncology. They generally comprise a high-quality scientific program, social program and at some events, a trade exhibition and an award ceremony.
The RANZCR ASM takes place in October each year, at a different location in Australia or New Zealand. In addition, the New Zealand Branch also runs their own ASM, which normally takes place in August.
The Trainee Learning Day forms part of the College’s Annual Scientific Meeting (usually Friday). The program for the day is determined by the Clinical Radiology Trainees Committee and usually includes teaching sessions, trainee presentations (Branch of Origin, Varian session), a discussion forum and dedicated topical sessions.
The RANZCR Branch of Origin was established to support the research requirements of Clinical Radiology Training Program.
Participating Branches of the College hold an annual Trainee Presentation Evening, where trainees present their research work in line with the training research requirements. The most outstanding presentation from each Branch then presents at the College’s Annual Scientific Meeting in the ‘Branch of Origin’ session, as part of the Trainee Learning Day.
There are awards/prizes available to trainees at a Branch level and at the national level, including a perpetual shield.
For more information on the ASM, please click here.
The Centralised Learning Program (CLP) is a 24-month lecture program, where a new session is available monthly via the RANZCR webcast library for all trainees to view on demand.
Each session will run for 1.5 – 2 hours, usually consisting of two lectures which are delivered by a local Australian or New Zealand content subject matter expert. Local sites will determine whether the content is viewed centrally, or by the trainee individually. Viewing of the lecture series is not compulsory, but highly recommended.
The content is aimed at the level of an early Phase 2 trainee, but available to all trainees, Fellows and IMGs.
The first session will be available on 27 February 2022.
For more information on the Clinical Radiology Centralised Learning Program, please click here.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help clinicians to better diagnose illness, coordinate treatment plans and increase the efficiency of care delivery across healthcare. It allows for a more efficient and accessible healthcare system that delivers improved outcomes for patients.
To provide Clinical Radiology trainees with the opportunity to increase their awareness and understanding of AI, online resources and further information is available on the Artificial Intelligence page on RANZCR website.
The College is committed to supporting the professions of clinical radiology and radiation oncology to contribute to equitable health outcomes for Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
Throughout the Training Program, trainees are encouraged to develop their cultural competency and reflect on their own practice of cultural safety. To support trainees, the College has developed a Cultural Safety resource page on the College website providing access to a range of modules and resources.
Cultural Safety resources are available here.