International Medical Graduates - Australia

RANZCR is accredited by the Australian Medical Council to conduct assessments of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) on behalf of the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) for the specialties of clinical radiology and radiation oncology.

To register and practise as a specialist in Australia, IMGs are required to apply for the specialist recognition assessment through RANZCR.

The purpose of specialist recognition assessment is to determine the comparability of the training, qualifications and experience of IMGs to RANZCR-trained specialists. 

IMGs who completed their specialist training in another country in either clinical radiology or radiation oncology are eligible to be assessed for comparability to a RANZCR-trained specialist.

Please note RANZCR’s new IMG Assessment Policy (Australia) v3.2 is applicable to all IMG applications received on or after 1 May 2022.

Useful Websites

The following websites provide information about registration, practising medicine, and general health issues in Australia and New Zealand: