Health Professionals & Consumers
Role of evaluation
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is committed to fostering excellence in radiology and radiation oncology education through robust evaluation practices. Evaluation is not just a process; it's a key priority and function of RANZCR. It promotes innovation, drives quality improvement of our programs, allows meaningful feedback from our stakeholders and is a core requirement for the accreditation of our specialist medical training programs.
Our approach
Radiologist and radiation oncologist education operates within complex healthcare systems with diverse stakeholders. Therefore, our evaluation approaches are tailored to acknowledge and explore the contextual factors that influence outcomes. We utilise:
Program logic
We articulate program theory by mapping the inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes of our initiatives. This approach integrates design and evaluation processes seamlessly.
Data triangulation
To enhance the credibility and reliability of findings we cross-verify data from multiple sources, which helps address potential biases and strengthens the validity of results.
Realist Theory
We employ realist evaluation theory to unpack what works, for whom, and in what circumstances. This allows us to make credible claims of causation considering contextual challenges.
Monitoring plays a pivotal role within RANZCR, ensuring ongoing oversight and assessment of our programs. Through systematic observation, data collection and stakeholder consultation, we track the progress and performance of our programs, policies, and initiatives. This continuous monitoring enables us to promptly identify any emerging issues, assess the effectiveness of interventions, and make informed decisions to optimise outcomes.
Stakeholders’ role in evaluation
Feedback and action are integral components of our commitment to continuous improvement. We actively solicit feedback from stakeholders, including trainees, members, and healthcare professionals, to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness and impact of our programs. This feedback is carefully analysed and used to inform strategic decision-making processes.
We extend an invitation to all stakeholders, trainees, members, healthcare professionals, and industry partners to actively participate in our evaluation processes. Your feedback and insights are instrumental in shaping the trajectory of radiology and radiation oncology education.
The Evaluation Cycle
For more information about evaluation please find the relevant links below.