RANZCR membership subscription fees are due for payment annually. Members can renew their membership online via invoicing in the MyRANZCR member portal. If you have forgotten or wish to reset your password you can do so with the reset button on the logon page.
Pay Your Fees View Member Subscription FAQs
Training Application fees are valid for the current financial year and are subject to change without notice. All fees are in Australian currency (AUD) unless otherwise stated, and those marked with an asterisk (*) are free from GST. All other fees are inclusive of GST.
Financial Year July 2024-June 2025.
Annual Membership Subscription for Fellow and Educational Affiliates are valid for the current financial year and are subject to change without notice. All fees are in Australian currency (AUD) unless otherwise stated, and those marked with an asterisk (*) are free from GST. All other fees are inclusive of GST.
Full time fees
Part time fees (see Fees Policy for details)
Fees for Trainees are valid for the current calendar or financial year as marked below and are subject to change without notice. All fees are in Australian currency (AUD) unless otherwise stated, and those marked with an asterisk (*) are free from GST. All other fees are inclusive of GST.
Calendar Year 2025.
** Trainees training between 0.5 and 0.65 FTE are eligible for part-time training fees.
CR Written Examinations Bundle
(Case Reporting and MCQ)
Phase 2: Re-sit (Radiation Therapy/Clinical Oncology Only)
Admission to Fellowship fee is only applicable to applications received on or after 1 July 2024.
Payment options for Admission to FellowshipUpfront FeeA 10% up-front payment discount is available for those who pay their fee in full by the invoice due date.InstalmentsWe understand the Admission to Fellowship fee is a new cost, and as such, we are pleased to offer new Fellows the option of paying this fee in four equal six-monthly instalments.
Fees for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) are valid for the current calendar or financial year as marked below and are subject to change without notice. All fees are in Australian currency (AUD) unless otherwise stated, and those marked with an asterisk (*) are free from GST. All other fees are inclusive of GST.
Short Term Training Application
Refund Policy for Specialist Recognition and Area of Need Assessments 50% of assessment fee, if withdrawn beyond four weeks of scheduled assessment.25% of assessment fee, if withdrawn within four weeks of scheduled assessment.
Calendar Year 2025
Applicable to applications for Admission to Fellowship received on or after 1 July 2024.
Admission to Fellowship Fee Payment OptionsUpfront FeeA 10% up-front payment discount is available for those who pay their fee in full by the invoice due date.InstallmentsWe understand the Admission to Fellowship fee is a new cost, and as such, we are pleased to offer new Fellows the option of paying this fee in four equal six-monthly instalments.
Amounts listed are exclusive of GST, GST will be added where applicable
Mammography accreditation
Mammography Quality Assurance Program (MQAP)
Mammography quality control manual
MRI registration for accreditation
CT colonography application
CT coronary angiography application
CT coronary angiography recertification
Interventional neuroradiology application
Interventional neuroradiology recertification
Cardiac MRI initial application
Cardiac MRI maintenance of recognition
AoN Site Accreditation Fees are subject to change without notice. All fees are in Australian currency (AUD) unless otherwise stated and are inclusive of GST.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Site Assessment 1
Stage 3
Site Assessment 2
Variation: paper-based
CPD Activity Recognition for Education Providers
Financial Hardship
If you experience personal circumstances that further affect your ability to pay your fees in full by the specified due date, please submit:
Other fees may apply for specific services. For details of fees for specific RANZCR Events see our Event Listings.
Always refer to the 2024 RANZCR Fees Policy or click contact us to talk to one of our staff on the Trainee Help Desk.