Health Professionals & Consumers
Roles and Responsibilities - Examiners and Trainers
The College's training programs could not take place without the participation of members who volunteer their time and expertise.
The College's training programs could not take place without the participation of members who volunteer their time and expertise.
Examiners assess trainees’ performance in the Part 1 and Part 2 clinical radiology examinations. For more information see below:
Research mentors foster the research interests of trainees early in their career. For more information see below:
Directors of Training are the College’s representatives within accredited training departments, providing liaison between trainees and hospital or department administration. For more information see below:
Clinical Supervisors play a vital role in the successful training of future Clinical Radiologists (CR). For more information see below:
Branch Education Officers monitor and support training programs within their state, territory or country. For more information see below:
The Network Education Support Officer (NESO) is responsible for providing administrative support to the Network Training Director. For more information see below:
There are a number of roles for assessors, expert advisers and examiners at various stages of the training program. For more information see below:
To apply for one of these roles, see the application forms below:
Directors of Training are the College’s representatives within accredited training departments, providing liaison between trainees and hospital or department administration.
For more information see below:
Clinical Supervisors play a vital role in the training of future Radiation Oncologists (ROs).
Research mentors foster the research interests of trainees early in their career.
For more information see below: