Special Interest Groups
The RANZCR Board establishes Special Interest Groups in areas of specific interest to the membership within clinical radiology and radiation oncology. Each Special Interest Group complies with Terms of Reference as agreed by the Board and relevant Faculty Council.
A list of Special Interest Groups is below.
Contact us to join a Special Interest Group
Clinical Radiology Groups
Australian and New Zealand Society of Thoracic Radiology (ANZSTR)
The Australian and New Zealand Society of Thoracic Radiology has been established to provide a networking platform for members with an interest in advancing knowledge, learning or clinical expertise in the area of thoracic radiology to communicate, meet and/or organise conferences to further this interest. RANZCR has established a collaboration agreement between ANZSTR and the Society of Thoracic Radiology (STR) in the USA to work together to promote networking and exchange of ideas in the field of Thoracic Radiology through the Special Interest Group.
Australian and New Zealand Society of Thoracic Radiology (ANZSTR) Terms of Reference
More information on ANZSTR
Australian and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Radiology (ANZSPR)
The Australian and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Radiology is a professional society for doctors with an interest in the medical imaging of children in Australia, New Zealand and neighbouring countries.
Australian and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Radiology (ANZSPR) Terms of Reference
Abdominal Radiology Group Australia and New Zealand (ARGANZ)
Abdominal Radiology Group Australia and New Zealand (ARGANZ) is a not-for-profit group uniting radiologists from Australia and New Zealand who have a special interest in imaging and image guided treatment of patients with the diseases of abdominal organs.
Australian and New Zealand Emergency Radiology Group (ANZERG)
ANZERG is a network of members interested in emergency and trauma radiology.
Australian and New Zealand Emergency Radiology Group (ANZERG) Terms of Reference
Australian and New Zealand Rural Radiology Special Interest Group (ANZRRSIG)
ANZRRSIG is a network of members interested in rural and remote radiology across Australia and New Zealand.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Special Interest Group (OGSIG)
OGSIG is a network of RANZCR members who are interested in O&G imaging. It aims to promote best practice for the performance and reporting of O&G imaging in Australia and New Zealand.
Radiation Oncology Groups
Australian and New Zealand Palliative Radiation Oncology Group
ANZPROG is a group of radiation oncologists who advocate and promote the role of radiation therapy in palliative care. It allows members to share the clinical experience of radiation therapy provision in the palliative oncology setting.
Breast Interest Group Faculty of Radiation Oncology (BIG-FRO)
The aims of the Breast Interest Group are to promote best clinical practice for the management of breast cancer, and to enhance the profile of radiation oncology in the setting of breast cancer.
Breast Interest Group Faculty of Radiation Oncology (FRO BIG) Terms of Reference
Faculty of Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary Group (FROGG)
FROGG aims to promote good radio-therapeutic and oncological practice as part of multidisciplinary patient management.
Faculty of Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary Group (FROGG) Terms of Reference
Gynaecological Oncology Radiation Oncology Collaboration (GOROC)
GOROC aims to facilitate and promote best-practice radiation therapy in gynaecological cancers through establishment of clinical guidelines for practice in this area; and to raise the profile of brachytherapy for gynaecological cancers.
Gynaecological Oncology Radiation Oncology Collaboration (GOROC) Terms of Reference
Faculty of Radiation Oncology Lung Interest Cooperative (FROLIC)
FROLIC aims to facilitate best-practice radiation therapy treatment of patients with lung cancers and other thoracic malignancies (including thymic tumours and mesothelioma) with a particular emphasis on educational and quality assurance activities.
Faculty of Radiation Oncology Lung Interest Cooperative (FROLIC) Terms of Reference
Faculty of Radiation Oncology Paediatric Group
The Paediatric Group aims to maintain a network of radiation oncologists who manage paediatric patients in Australia and New Zealand to ensure the best quality of care by radiation therapy for children. The Paediatric Group established a database for all children under 16 years of age who undergo a course of radiation treatment. The database has allowed the documentation of patterns of practice and can be used to improve the care of children requiring radiation treatment. All College members are encouraged to submit a completed form for each course of radiation treatment given to a child under your care, respecting the privacy and ethics issues relevant to your jurisdiction.
Faculty of Radiation Oncology Paediatric Group Terms of Reference
Asia-Pacific Radiation Oncology Special Interest Group (APROSIG)
The Asia-Pacific Radiation Oncology Special Interest Group (APROSIG) aims to develop interaction with and support for radiation oncologists and their staff in Low-income and Middle-income Countries (LMCs) in the Asia-Pacific region. The group’s activities include developing and supporting bilateral exchange visits, education and training workshops and the twinning of departments in order to promote the delivery of radiotherapy treatments at internationally acceptable standards.
Asia-Pacific Radiation Oncology Special Interest Group (APROSIG) Terms of Reference