The College is currently calling for expressions of interest in a number of roles, listed on this page.
The Victorian Branch Committee is seeking expressions of interest for a three-year term.
The aim of the committee is to:
The committee member term will be for three years and will commence in 2025.
For more information on the Branch Committee, please view the following documents:
Eligibility criteria
How to apply
Please complete and return the Branch nomination form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you would like further information, please contact Mereana, Branch Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on (02) 9268 9777.
Applications close Friday, 31 January 2025.
The SA Branch Committee is seeking expressions of interest for a three-year term.
Applications close Friday 21 February 2025.
The TAS Branch Committee is seeking expressions of interest for a three-year term.
Applications close Friday, 21 February 2025.
IMG Assessors Are you interested in becoming a College assessor of International Medical Graduates (IMGs)?Expressions of interest are being formally called from College Fellows who have held FRANZCR for more than five (5) years to become International Medical Graduate (IMG) Assessors. IMG Assessors are responsible for the assessments of IMGs (clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists) wishing to work in Australia or New Zealand. Expressions of interest are being formally called from College Fellows who have held FRANZCR for more than five (5) years to become International Medical Graduate (IMG) Assessors. IMG Assessors are responsible for the assessments of IMGs (clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists) wishing to work in Australia or New Zealand.RANZCR is accredited by the Australian Medical Council to conduct assessments of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) on behalf of the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) for the specialties of clinical radiology and radiation oncology. In Australia, assessments are undertaken for suitability to work in Area of Need positions and for specialist recognition, which leads to the awarding of FRANZCR.In New Zealand, the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) is the regulatory authority for granting medical registration based on the advice of our College IMG assessors.CommitmentAssessment blocks may be half day (approximately three hours) or full day, with assessments held either:Via videoconference orIn the Sydney office for Australian related assessments.In the Wellington office for New Zealand related assessments. The candidates attend via video conference.The EOI should be accompanied by an executive CV and a personal statement of no more than 150 words outlining your interest and appropriateness for the role.For more information, please see the position description and refer to the IMG section of the College website, here.Enquiries should be directed to Melanie Daniels, Senior Project Officer (IMG) on 02 9268 9759 or Casey Tuminello, Project Officer (IMG) on 02 9268 9743 or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Please apply as soon as possible via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Executive Committee (MATEC) RANZCR is seeking expressions of interest from Māori, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islanders members and trainees to join RANZCR’s Māori, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander Executive Committee (MATEC). The MATEC is a high-level bi-national committee reporting to the Faculties of Clinical Radiology and Radiation Oncology Councils jointly. Its goal is to support the professions of clinical radiology and radiation oncology in delivering more equitable health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and Māori people. This objective is achieved by maintaining a clear governance and accountability framework, underpinned by justice and fairness in line with the Māori, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan, with expert Indigenous voices at its core. MATEC facilitates RANZCR members in providing culturally competent and safe practice. It emphasises the importance of making an effective and long-term difference to Indigenous health outcomes. Additionally, the committee aims to grow and support the Indigenous clinical radiology and radiation oncology workforce, while ensuring compliance with the Australian Medical Council’s (AMC) and Medical Council of New Zealand’s (MCNZ) accreditation standards. CommitmentMATEC meets two-three times per year (either via video conference or face-to-face).Additional time is required for policy development and contributing to MATEC projects.How to apply Please send your expression of interest and bio to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you have any questions or would like a copy of the terms of reference, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 2026 RANZCR ASM Convenors - Christchurch, New Zealand OverviewThe 2026 ASM will be hosted in Christchurch, New Zealand. We are currently seeking members to convene the meetings in interventional radiology and interventional neuroradiology.Commitment Being a convenor involves attending a monthly meeting in the year leading up to the conference, drafting the programme and finding speakers and session chairs. Eligibility To be eligible for the local organising committee you will have attended a RANZCR ASM in the past, be working in Christchurch, New Zealand and be a current member of RANZCR. You will have the services of a professional conference organiser (PCO) who has worked with the College for many years and the College’s Events Team. How to apply To indicate interest, or if you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. JMIRO Reviewer The College invites Fellows and Trainees to become peer reviewers for submissions to the Journal of Medical Imaging of Radiation Oncology (JMIRO).Peer review is designed to assess the validity, quality and often the originality of articles for publication. It is the foundation for safeguarding the quality and integrity of scientific research.The opportunity to review submissions to JMIRO will provide an excellent insight into research in medical imaging and radiation oncology and it will allow you to develop your research skills and knowledge. Becoming a peer reviewer allows you to see research before it is published, and the experience will enhance your CV. You will be supported by an experienced team of Associate Editors, who will assess and provide feedback on your reviews.How to applyHow to become a trainee reviewer:Complete the following free online course to guide you through the essentials of peer review: Becoming a Peer Reviewer.Email your certificate of course completion to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Someone from the College will contact you to confirm receipt and whether or not you have fulfilled the requirements. If you have fulfilled the requirements, Wiley will contact you with all the information you need to start reviewing.JMIRO’s publisher, Wiley, also have a variety of resources and information regarding peer review.For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee Overview Expressions of interest are invited from RANZCR Fellows to join the Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee, which has been established and is led by the RACP. The purpose of the Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee is to provide a forum for engagement and collaboration of medical colleges on climate change and health policy and advocacy. It will inform the development of sector-wide approaches to climate change and health policy and advocacy positions, strategies and activities. The vacancy is for ONE Fellow Representative. Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellow Representatives are encouraged to apply. Please review the committee terms of reference prior to applying.Eligibility criteria The FRANZCR Representatives will:Have expertise in climate change and health, which may include knowledge, skills and experience in public and private practice, healthcare system reform, epidemiology, health economics, planetary health, and climate risk analysis and adaptationBe available to attend video/teleconference meetings and be able to review documents via email as requiredHave connections and networks with their college committees and membership and a willingness to engage in advocacy initiatives. Commitment The Advisory Committee will hold no more than 12 video/teleconference meetings per calendar year. The Advisory Committee’s work will take place online including via email, phone, video/teleconference and other communication and document sharing services.How to apply An Expression of Interest form (EOI) should be accompanied by your CV and a short statement (no more than 250 words) outlining your interest and appropriateness for the committee. Enquiries and applications should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will close when the position has been filled. Radiation Oncology Executive Member - Gynaecological Oncology Radiation Oncology Collaboration (GOROC) OverviewExpression of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of GOROC special interest group.GOROC is a special interest group (SIG) of radiation oncologists in Australia and New Zealand with expertise in managing gynaecological malignancies. It aims to advance best-practice radiation therapy for gynaecological cancers by developing clinical guidelines and enhancing the recognition of brachytherapy in this field.CommitmentThis is a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms.Face-to-face meetings or teleconferences twice per year or as required.Provide professional input with respect to issues on request by the College office.Provide advice to the relevant College bodies including Council and other committees and groups regarding GOROC’s area of expertise.Provide assistance to the College’s ASM Management Committee (when requested) e.g. assist in identifying key speakers and developing sessions in relation to the GOROC’s area of interest.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.CPD hours are available for attendance at SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.These hours may be claimed in the Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice category under CPD activity type Other clinical governance. For further details please refer to the CPD Handbook.Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, together with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Monica Kurniawan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications close 5 pm Wednesday, 30 April 2025 AEST. For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Executive Member - Australian and New Zealand Palliative Radiation Oncology Group (ANZPROG) OverviewExpressions of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of the Australian and New Zealand Palliative Radiation Oncology Group (ANZPROG) special interest group. ANZPROG aims to advance professional expertise in palliative radiation oncology across Australia and New Zealand. It provides a platform for members to discuss key issues in palliative care and stay informed about significant national and international policies and practices that impact oncology patients in the region. ANZPROG members include general radiation oncologists with an interest in palliative radiation oncology.CommitmentFace to face meetings or teleconferences twice per year or as required.Provide professional input with respect to issues on request by the College office.Provide advice to the relevant College bodies including Council and other committees and groups regarding ANZPROG’s area of expertise.Provide assistance to the College’s ASM Management Committee (when requested) e.g. assist in identifying key speakers and developing sessions in relation to the ANZPROG’s area of interest.This is a three-year term.CPD hours are available for attendance at ANZPROG SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.These hours may be claimed in the Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice category under CPD activity type Other clinical governance. For further details please refer to the CPD Handbook.Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, together with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Monica Kurniawan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications close 5 pm Friday 21 March 2025 AEDT.For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Trainee Executive Member, Faculty of Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary Group (FROGG) OverviewWe are seeking one radiation oncology trainee to join the FROGG Executive team. The FROGG has been a highly successful special interest group of the College and is keen to engage a trainee in its ongoing activities. The objectives of the FROGG are to:Facilitate best practice in genito-urinary radiation oncology.Promote and coordinate educational programs related to the practice of genito-urinary radiation oncology.Advocates for genito-urinary cancer treatment and the use of radiation in particular.Serve as a recognised radiation oncology reference group to advise the College, Government and other bodies on management of genito-urinary cancer.Trainee input is sought particularly in relation to issues which relate to radiation oncology training. Please view the Terms of Reference for more information.CommitmentFour to five, one-hour long teleconference meetings and one to two face-to-face meetings per year.Eligibility criteriaSuccessful completion of Phase 1 Examination in radiation oncology.Current radiation oncology trainee.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return an Expression of Interest form outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..If you are interested in being involved or would like further information about the FROGG, please contact Dr Braden Higgs, Chair of the FROGG Executive Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Applications close 5 pm AEDT on 28 February 2025. Cultural, Diversity & Inclusion Ambassador, Radiation Oncology Education & Training Committee (ROETC) Overview Expressions of Interest are being called for a Cultural, Diversity and Inclusion Ambassador to join Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee (ROETC). The role of the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee is to develop and oversee the educational content, assessments and accreditation mechanisms that ensure trainees can become competent radiation oncologists. It also has responsibility for assessing the suitability of candidates for Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates). For further information please refer to the Terms of Reference.The current incumbent will step down from this role at the end of 2024. This is a three-year co-opted role on ROETC with voting rights.Eligibility criteriaA RANZCR Fellow for at least two years, Life member or Educational Affiliate with specialist/vocational registration. Interest and/or experience in advancing diversity and promoting inclusivity within radiation oncology and training. Actively involved in the radiation oncology accredited teaching and training program.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment Four meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings). Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by ROETC at their next meeting following the EOI close date and thereafter the nominees recommended by the ROETC will be tabled at the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council for endorsement.If more than one candidate applies, ROETC will review the applications and make a determination.Deadline for applicationsApplications are open until the position is filled. Director of Training/Clinical Supervisor Liaison, Radiation Oncology Education & Training Committee (ROETC) OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for a Director of Training (DoT) / Clinical Supervisor (CS) Liaison to join Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee (ROETC). The role of the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee is to develop and oversee the educational content, assessments and accreditation mechanisms that ensure trainees can become competent Radiation Oncologists. It also has responsibility for assessing the suitability of candidates for Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates). For further information please refer to the Terms of Reference.The current incumbent will step down from this role at the end of 2024. This is a three-year co-opted role on ROETC with voting rights. The DoT and CS Liaison will provide specific insights from the DoT and CS perspective to all ROETC discussions.Eligibility criteriaA RANZCR Fellow for at least two years, Life member or Educational Affiliate with specialist /vocational registration. Previous or current experience as a DoT.Interest in clinical supervisor training and evaluation.Actively involved in the radiation oncology accredited teaching and training program.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment Four meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings). Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by ROETC at their next meeting following the EOI close date and thereafter the nominees recommended by the ROETC will be tabled at the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council for endorsement.If more than one candidate applies, ROETC will review the applications and make a determination.Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025. ANZGOG Preceptorship 2024 | Targeting Molecular Pathways in Gynae Cancers OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for radiation oncology trainees and any early career clinicians to present on an assigned topic at the Australia and New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG) online Preceptorship this year.This year the Preceptorship focus is Targeting Molecular Pathways in Gynaecological Cancer. It will be co-Chaired by Prof Anna DeFazio AM and Dr George Au-Yeung.The Preceptorship 2024 learning objectives are:Understand the rationale for the current recommendations for molecular testing in high-grade serous ovarian cancer.Understanding the molecular subtypes of endometrial cancer and their implications for management.Learning the common molecular alterations of rarer ovarian cancer histological subtypes particularly focusing on LGSOC and mucinous.Learn about emerging molecular pathways being targeted in gynaecological cancers.CommitmentThe successful applicant will be expected to prepare and present on an assigned topic at the preceptorship. As part of your presentation preparation, you will be supervised by a mentor. The Preceptorship will be held virtually over the following days:Friday 29 November 2024| 12.30pm – 5.30pm (AEDT)Saturday 30 November 2024 | 10.30am – 12.30pm (AEDT)Eligibility criteriaRadiation oncology trainees or any early career clinicians.How to applyShould you wish to apply, please complete and return the application form by the application closing date of Monday 14 October 2024. There are limited spaces available.The application form can be download from the ANZGOG website here: Member, FRO Quality Improvement Committee Overview We are seeking Fellows to join the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Quality Improvement Committee (QIC). This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in promoting a quality-centred approach of the Faculty by providing strategic and policy advice and conceptual models to ensure ongoing improvement in patient care. There are currently two positions, including one New Zealand representative, available for 3-year terms.The objectives of the QIC are to:regularly workshop and review matters of quality and best practice (bi-national and international) and advise the Faculty of issues arising;develop advice for the Faculty on strategic directions, priorities and mechanisms in the area of quality to ensure that Radiation Oncology stays at the forefront of best-practice world-wide;development of policy frameworks, advice and/ or recommendations on issues of quality and standards including but not limited to:issues of importance for the Faculty Councilissues raised by the Faculty Deanissues of importance to the Radiation Oncology Allianceissues of importance to patients and carers.Please view the Terms of Reference for further informationCommitment 4 meetings (via videoconference with the possibility of 1 face to face meeting) annually for a 3-year termEligibility criteriaRadiation Oncology FellowsHow to applyIf you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the QIC Secretariat May Lalehzari, Program Officer, Standards.Please send a CV and complete the expression of interest form with a short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the working group to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 11 October 2024. Members, Learning Experiences and Outcomes Committee OverviewExpressions of interest are being called from members for the Learning Experiences and Outcomes Committee (LEO).The LEO Committee is an advisory committee to the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee.The LEO Committee has oversight of the development and maintenance of the Radiation Oncology Training Program Learning Outcomes, the development of teaching and learning experiences to assist radiation oncology trainees to achieve the learning outcomes and work-based assessments, to measure trainee progress against the learning outcomes, and the development of training framework for Directors of Training and clinical supervisors to improve learning and assessment experiences.CommitmentThe successful applicant will be expected to:Attend committee meetings and actively participate in discussions at these meetings.Read and consider agenda papers and minutes of meetings.Keep abreast of key issues, including bi-national and international developments that may affect the work and areas of responsibility of the committee.Dedicate time outside of the committee meetings to undertake activities on behalf of the committee, such as presenting at workshops and webinars, drafting of documents, responding to emails, research, provision of advice and otherwise as required.Assist in the development of relationships with College partners and stakeholders.Support the development of the policies by the Faculty of Radiation Oncology.For further information please view the LEO Terms of Reference.Eligibility Criteria Be a Fellow of RANZCR.Have five years consultant experience in a radiation oncology department at an accredited training site.LEO members may be re-elected to serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a curriculum vitae to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. Applications close 30 September 2024 at 5 pm AEST. Applications will be reviewed by the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council.For more information, please contact Autumn Saunders, Program Officer, Curriculum Development via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Medical Treatment Overseas Program Assessors (MTOP) Expressions of interest are being sought for MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program) Assessors.The Federal Government’s Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP) helps approved Australians who have a life-threatening medical condition access to life-saving medical treatment overseas where treatment is not available in Australia.The College supports the Federal Government by providing medical advice when assessing applications which are funded under the MTOP Program.The Role of an MTOP Assessor is to review and assess MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program) Applications as requested based on the following four criteria:The proposed overseas treatment or an effective alternative treatment are not available in Australia and won’t be available in time to benefit the patient.The overseas treatment will either significantly extend the patient’s life or potentially cure the condition.The overseas treatment has a real prospect of being successful.The Australian medical profession accepts the overseas treatment as a standard form of treatment for the patient’s condition.Eligibility This opportunity is open to radiation oncology Fellows with the following attributes:Knowledge/familiarity of Particle TherapyKnowledge of the pathologies that could be assessed which include but are not limited to:Skull ChordomaChondrosarcomaCraniopharyngiomaPaediatric Radiation OncologyThe ability to assess the comparative efficacy of Proton Therapy to the treatments currently available in Australia.Commitment MTOP applications are received periodically, there is no set timing.On receiving an MTOP application, the MTOP assessor is required to provide their assessment to the College within one week.Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be submitted to Particle Therapy Working Group for consideration. For more information, please contact Fotini Kekembanos, Program Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Rami Elzahaby, Manager, Faculties, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Clinical Radiology Executive Member - Australian and New Zealand Emergency Radiology Group (ANZERG) OverviewExpression of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of ANZERG special interest group.ANZERG is a network of RANZCR members interested in emergency and trauma radiology, committed to supporting and enhancing the learning and skills of Fellows and registrars in this field. The group conducts educational activities at the RANZCR ASM and plans to establish standalone scientific meetings in the future. Operating under the auspices of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, ANZERG serves as an advisory body to the College on scientific, educational, and patient-centered operational issues related to Emergency and Trauma Radiology. Additionally, it collaborates with international bodies and societies on matters of common interest to advance the field.CommitmentThis is a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms.Face-to-face meetings or teleconferences twice per year or as required.Provide professional input with respect to issues on request by the College office.Provide advice to the relevant College bodies including Council and other committees and groups regarding ANZERG’s area of expertise.Provide assistance to the College’s ASM Management Committee (when requested) e.g. assist in identifying key speakers and developing sessions in relation to the ANZERG’s area of interest.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.CPD hours are available for attendance at SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.These hours may be claimed in the Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice category under CPD activity type Other clinical governance. For further details please refer to the CPD Handbook.Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, together with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Monica Kurniawan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications close 5 pm on Friday, 11 April 2025 AEST.For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Members, Ultrasound Reference Group OverviewThe Ultrasound Reference Group functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to ultrasound in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in ultrasound.The aims of the Ultrasound Reference Group, which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to ultrasound.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to ultrasound.Work with the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to ultrasound.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to ultrasound may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to college members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding ultrasound.CommitmentThe commitment to this group includes reviewing or providing opinions on an average of five documents per year.The terms for group members will be three years, starting from the commencement date.CPD credits are available for attendance at Ultrasound meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) OverviewThe Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) functions as an expert advisory committee to provide advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology on emerging quality, safety and standards of practice issues related to the provision of breast imaging in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in breast imaging.The aims of the Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to breast imaging.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members and external enquiries on issues relating to breast imagingWork with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to breast imagingContribute to the development and review of position statements, providing expert input on key issues in breast imaging, and ensuring alignment with current practices and standards.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to breast imaging may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to College members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding breast imaging.CommitmentThe commitment to this committee involves attending one meeting per quarter, lasting approximately one hour, plus additional reading time.Committee members are also expected to spend an additional hour each month reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents and consultations.The term for committee members will be three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD hours are available for attendance at BIAC meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online. Expenses incurred for rare face-to-face meetings will be reimbursed as per the College’s reimbursement of expenses policy.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the BIAC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) OverviewThe Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) is responsible for providing expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, College members, and external stakeholders on issues related to safety, quality, standards, and associated matters in clinical (diagnostic and interventional) radiology.An expression of interest is invited for Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with a keen interest in the areas of safety, quality, and standards of practice.The aims of the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Offer guidance to Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, and external stakeholders on safety, quality, and standards in clinical radiology practice.Contribute to the development and review of policies, position statements, and clinical practice guidelines or that influence best practice in clinical radiology and shape the profession's future.Support the College’s role in advocating for the viability and sustainability of the clinical radiology profession in Australia and New Zealand, providing evidence-based advice to governments, regulators, and healthcare organisations.Monitor and address emerging trends, new technologies, and evolving clinical practices in radiology to ensure the profession adapts to changing healthcare needs and maintains high standards.Collaborate with external bodies, including government agencies, professional organisations, and healthcare providers, to influence and inform policies and decisions affecting the clinical radiology profession.Commitment Members will aim to attend one face-to-face meeting and three teleconferences per year (approximately one hour each), along with additional reading and review time.Members are also expected to spend about one hour every fortnight reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents.The term is three years, starting from the date of commencement. Please see Terms of Reference for more information.CPD hours are available for attendance at SQSC meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the CollegeHow to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Consumer Representative, Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) OverviewThe Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) is responsible for providing expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, College members, and external stakeholders on issues related to safety, quality, standards, and associated matters in clinical (diagnostic and interventional) radiology.The Faculty of Clinical Radiology of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from members to apply for the position of Consumer Representative on the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC).Key responsibilities of the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Contribute to the development and review of policies, position statements, and clinical practice guidelines that influence best practices in clinical radiology.Offer guidance to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, and external stakeholders on safety, quality, and standards in clinical radiology practice.Support the College’s advocacy for the viability and sustainability of the clinical radiology profession in Australia and New Zealand.Collaborate with external bodies, such as government agencies, professional organisations, and healthcare providers, to influence and inform policies and decisions affecting clinical radiology.Selection criteriaThe ideal candidate will demonstrate the following role-related experience and personal competencies:Role-related experience:Experience in advocating for the needs of consumers and the community.Ability to provide independent and consumer-focused perspectives on healthcare and medical organisations.Proven experience fostering collaboration between consumers, clinicians, and health professionals.Interest in promoting the study and advancement of knowledge in health, medicine, and clinical radiology.Interest in encouraging research in matters related to clinical radiology.CommitmentMembers will aim to attend one face-to-face meeting and three teleconferences per year (approximately one hour each), along with additional reading and review time.Members are also expected to spend about one hour every fortnight reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents.The term is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD credits are available for attendance at SQSC meetings.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Reference Group OverviewThe Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Reference Group is a group of clinical experts providing advice and guidance to the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) on MRI-related practice, emerging trends, and standards of care in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with a keen interest in MRI and a passion for advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.The aims of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reference Group (MRI RG), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Liaise with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to MRIProvide a forum for discussion and expert advice on MRI-related issues to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers.Collaborate with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology with a specific focus on MRI.Identify and recommend mechanisms to promote and implement MRI standards across the College membership and the broader health sector.Respond strategically to new and emerging areas of MRI practice based on College members’ interests and professional developments in the field.CommitmentMembers are required to attend one online meeting per quarter, lasting approximately one hour, in addition to committing time for reading and reviewing professional documents, consultations, and providing feedback.Members should expect to dedicate about one hour per month for ongoing review and input.The term of membership is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD credits are available for attendance at MRI reference group meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Computed Tomography (CT) Reference Group OverviewThe Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to computed tomography in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in computed tomography (CT).The aims of the Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT), which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to computed tomography.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to computed tomography.Work with the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to computed tomography.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to computed tomography may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to college members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding computed tomographyCommitmentThe commitment to this group includes reviewing or providing opinions on an average of five documents per year.The terms for group members will be three years, starting from the commencement date.CPD credits are available for attendance at CT Reference Group meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) Reference Group OverviewThe Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to bone mineral densitometry in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in bone mineral densitometry (BMD) and a commitment to advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.The aims of the Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to BMD.Provide a forum for discussion and expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to BMD.Collaborate with the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology with a specific focus on BMD.Identify and recommend mechanisms to promote and implement BMD standards across the College membership and the broader health sector.Respond strategically to emerging areas of BMD practice based on College members’ interests and professional developments in the field.CommitmentMembers of the Bone Mineral Density Reference Group are expected to review or provide opinion on an average of five documents per year. This commitment will involve reviewing professional documents and providing feedback on consultations, as well as attending meetings as required.The term for committee members is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD hours are available for attendance at BMD Reference Group meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Member, Cardiac MRI Conjoint Committee OverviewCardiac MRI Specialists are invited to apply to represent RANZCR on the Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in CMRI (Conjoint Committee)• One Radiologist conjoint committee member (representing RANZCR)• The term of office for each Conjoint Committee member is three years and may be re-elected to serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms.The aim of the Conjoint Committee is to maintain the Position Statement on Initial Certification and Maintenance of Recognition in Cardiac MRI for training, assessment and quality assurance in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand, and to certify applicants seeking recognition in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand.Link to Cardiac MRI webpage: Certification in Cardiac MRI | RANZCREligibility• Member of RANZCR• Current accreditation as a CMRI Specialist• Minimum registration as a CMRI Specialist of five yearsCommitmentFour online meetings annually.Content commitmentThere are approximately 165 CMRI specialists currently registered who are required to submit their Maintenance of Recognition application on a 3-year cycle, in addition to applicants applying for initial registration. The applications are reviewed by one cardiologist, and one radiologist, therefore each quarter, applications are split into three batches to be reviewed by conjoint committee members. Any discrepancies are discussed at the quarterly meetings.Conjoint Committee MembersThree Cardiologists and three Radiologists.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a short statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with an executive summary CV (4 pages maximum) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applications close 14 March 2025. Members, Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee OverviewWe are seeking Fellows to join the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee. This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in imaging guidelines and CDS.The aim of the CDS Governance Committee is to provide advice to the SQSC and Faculty of Clinical Radiology around Clinical Decision Support, oversee the work of the imaging guidelines working group, ensuring processes are followed and content remains current, relevant and patient focused.Please view the Terms of Reference for further information.EligibilityClinical radiology FellowsCommitmentMeetings via videoconference as needed, length and frequency to be determined, currently set as four, one-hour meetings, no more than one face to face meeting per annum.How to applyIf you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the working group secretariat, Jessica Brown, Senior Project Officer, Digital Health.Please send an executive CV (two-page) and complete the expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the Committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1 April 2025. Branch Representatives, CRETC OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for three Branch representatives to join the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) for one year. (SA, TAS and WA from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025.)The role of the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) is:To develop the educational learning outcomes, learning experiences, work-based assessments, and examinations to ensure that that trainees become competent clinical radiologists.To accredit training sites to deliver these experiences.To assess suitability of candidates for admission into Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates).For further information please refer to the CRETC Terms of Reference.Branch representative is a new role on CRETC and is available to members of Branches which do not have a Branch Education Officer. The Branch Representative role is to ensure all branches have a voice at CRETC and act as conduit between CRETC and those involved in the local accredited training program.A suitable candidate for this role:Is involved in accredited training.Liaises regularly with the Network Training Directors (NTDs) regarding any significant training issues.Has a broad understanding of and experience with the delivery of College education activities.Acts as a conduit between the College, the trainees, the training departments, and the health authorities of the relevant jurisdictions and supports the accreditation process.Reports to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC).Eligibility criteriaA Fellow of RANZCR in SA, TAS and WA.Five years consultant experience in a clinical radiology department at an accredited training site.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. CommitmentFour meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings).Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council’s Appointment Committee at their next meeting following the EOI close date.If more than one candidate applies, the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council will review the applications and make a determination. Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025. Members, Musculoskeletal (MSK) Expert Advisory Group OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows in New Zealand with interest and experience in musculoskeletal radiology to join the MSK Expert Advisory Group to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).There are two vacant position available on the MSK group:Two member positions commencing 1 January 2025 and concluding 31 December 2027.The purpose of the MSK Group is to collaborate and strengthen an effective working relationship between ACC and RANZCR and allow discussion of strategic and operational matters involving musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging.The MSK Group reports to the New Zealand Branch Committee.For further information, please view the committee Terms of Reference. Eligibility CriteriaThis opportunity is open to New Zealand clinical radiology Fellows with an interest and/or experience in musculoskeletal radiology.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment The committee generally meets four times per year online with one face-to-face meeting and additional work as required for specific projects. How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications must be submitted by 5 pm NZST Thursday, 28 October 2024. Nominations will be considered by the NZ Branch Committee.For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Members, Diagnostic Economic Committee Overview Expressions of interest are being called to join the Diagnostic Economic Committee (DEC) for one (1) Fellow with experience and interest in contributing to the sustainability of clinical radiology, and the promotion of accessible and affordable healthcare for patients in Australia.The DEC supports Faculty Council in developing policies to inform and influence governments and other decision makers, including the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC), about the importance and sustainability of clinical radiology in Australia.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Specialty Clinical RadiologyEligibility Criteria Fellows holding directorships or senior executive roles in publicly listed radiology practices are not eligible for membership of this committee.CommitmentTypically 5 meetings per year by teleconference with additional work as required for specific projects.How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300 word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a 2 page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like further information on the role, please contact Purnima Rai, Policy Officer on +64 4472 6473. Applications close at 5pm Friday 28 February 2025. Please see the Terms of Reference of the Committee for more information. Members, New Zealand IMG Assessors OverviewAs per RANZCR’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) the International Medical Graduate (IMG) committee is responsible for the assessment of IMGs for equivalency to RANZCR trained clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists.Expressions of interest are invited from New Zealand Fellows in clinical radiology who have held FRANZCR for more than five (5) years to become IMG assessors as part of the NZ Vocational Education Advisory Board (VEAB). The VEAB is responsible for the assessment of IMGs to determine equivalency to RANZCR trained clinical radiologists.CommitmentCurrently assessments are conducted online, one afternoon (approximately three hours) per month.Eligibility CriteriaClinical Radiologists, at least five (5) years in a vocational scope of practice, preferably FRANZCR.How to apply An Expression of Interest form (EOI) should be accompanied by your CV and a short statement (no more than 250 words) outlining your interest and appropriateness for the committee. Enquiries and applications should be directed to Melanie Daniels via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. See the Position Description. Trainee Member, Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) The Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) functions as an expert advisory committee to provide advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology on emerging quality, safety and standards of practice issues related to the provision of breast imaging in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from trainee members in clinical radiology with a keen interest in breast imaging. The aims of the Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members and external enquiries on issues relating to breast imagingWork with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to breast imagingIdentify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to breast imaging may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sectorRespond strategically to College members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding breast imagingLiaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to breast imaging.CommitmentThe commitment to this committee is for one hour’s meeting each quarter, plus reading time, with an additional hour or so each month for reviewing and commenting on professional documents and consultations. The committee member terms will be for three years.How to applyShould you wish to join BIAC, please complete and return the Expression of Interest Form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Traci James-Scott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applications are open until positions are filled. Clinical Image Reviewers - MQAP OverviewExpressions of interest are invited from Clinical Radiologists to join RANZCR’s Mammography Quality Assurance Program (MQAP) as a Clinical Image Reviewer to review submissions from sites joining and participating in the MQAP program.MQAP provides quality assurance assessment for mammography sites. Participation is open to private medical imaging practices, and medical imaging departments of public and private hospitals.EligibilityRadiologists with a subspecialty interest in mammography and who participate in the mammography component of the RANZCR CPD program.CommitmentClinical Image Reviewers will be requested to provide their availability for the year on commencing the position and subsequently on a yearly basis. They may be contacted throughout the year according to their availability to review MQAP submissions.Each MQAP review will take approximately (30 minutes) to undertake.Clinical Image Reviewers may continue working within the MQAP Program as long as their skills remain compliant with MQAP Program requirements.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word (maximum) statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with your curriculum vitae addressed to Leona MacKenzie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please contact Leona via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group (NMSIG) Overview The RANZCR Board establishes Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in areas of specific interest to the membership within clinical radiology and radiation oncology. Each SIG is a group of members who share an interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or clinical expertise, whose primary aim is to provide a platform for members to communicate and further this interest.The Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group (NMSIG) has been newly established to provide a forum within the Faculty of Clinical Radiology for interested members to form a bi-national group of clinical radiologists.We are seeking members to join a new Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group dealing with all aspects of nuclear medicine in radiology, whose key objectives have been identified as:Encourage and engage in advocacy activities for nuclear medicine in radiology practiceDiscuss key issues in nuclear medicine so RANZCR and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology are kept updated with significant national and international policies and practices that are influential to radiology patients in Australia and New ZealandAdvance professional expertise in nuclear medicine in radiology in Australia and New ZealandFoster inter-disciplinary relationships with key professional bodies in nuclear medicine in Australia and New Zealand.SpecialtyClinical RadiologyEligibilityThis opportunity is open to RANZCR members in Australia and New Zealand.CommitmentMeetings via videoconference as needed (currently scheduled for two per annum) with either an in person or hybrid/online meeting at the ASM.How to applyIf you are interested in joining this special interest group, please submit your EOI to Traci James-Scott, Program Officer, Standards Units at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Members, Interventional Radiology Committee OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows to join the Interventional Radiology Committee (IRC).The IRC is a standing committee that provides the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council with advice and information on educational, professional and practice issues for all aspects of interventional radiology (IR) and interventional neuroradiology (INR). The Committee assists in the promotion of IR and INR as radiological specialties and ensures that clinical radiologists are supported to provide best-practice interventional care to patients delivered in an evidence-based, quality and sustainable way. Please see the Terms of Reference for further information. Eligibility criteriaWe are seeking the following RANZCR members to join the committee:One clinical radiologist who routinely performs basic interventional procedures (formerly Tier A)One New Zealand clinical radiologist who routinely performs interventional neuroradiology procedures (co-opted position).CommitmentOne face-to-face meeting and currently up to eight videoconferences per year, along with out of hours work reviewing documents, providing expert advice and other projects. This is a three-year term.How to applyPlease complete and return the FCR expression of interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..For further information please contact the IRC Secretariat, Vanessa Banda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Applications will close once positions are filled. Training and Exams Members, Clinical Radiology Radiology MCQ Examination Review Panel OverviewThe Clinical Radiology Radiology MCQ Examination Review Panel (CRRERP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, and reviewing of the Phase 2 Radiology MCQ written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the CRRERP for 2025.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the Radiology MCQ examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and standard set the examinations outside the above meeting times.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREAC.Eligibility CriteriaEssential attributes:A Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalentMust currently be a practicing sub-specialist / special interest in their fieldAvailable for travel for face-to-face meetingsKnowledgeable of curriculum and assessment processesAn active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirementsDesirable attributes:Interest and/or expertise in examination mattersActively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologistsUnderstanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operatesA skilled evaluator and good communicatorThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the CRRERP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description. Members, Clinical Radiology Case Reporting Examination Review Panel OverviewThe Clinical Radiology Case Reporting Examination Review Panel (CRCRRP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, reviewing, and marking of the Phase 2 Case Reporting written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the CRCRRP for 2025.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the Case Reporting examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and mark and standard set the examinations outside the above meetings.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREAC.Eligibility CriteriaEssential attributes:A Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalentMust currently be a practicing sub-specialist / special interest in their fieldAvailable for travel for face-to-face meetingsKnowledgeable of curriculum and assessment processesAn active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirementsDesirable attributes:Interest and/or expertise in examination mattersActively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologistsUnderstanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operatesA skilled evaluator and good communicatorThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the CRCRRP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description. Member, Applied Imaging Technology Examination Review Panel (AITERP) OverviewThe Applied Imaging Technology Examination Review Panel (AITERP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, reviewing, and marking of the Phase 1 Applied Imaging Technology (AIT) written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the AITERP for 2025. All vacancies are for radiologist members of the panel.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the AIT examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and mark the examinations outside the above meetings.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREACEligibility CriteriaEssential attributesA Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalent.In exceptional circumstances, Faculty Council may co-opt a member with specific skills and experience.A skilled evaluator and good communicator.Demonstrate current clinical experience in the relevant curriculum.A practicing sub-specialist/special interest in their field.Knowledgeable of curriculum, learning outcomes and assessment processes.Interest and/or expertise in examination matters.Actively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologists.Available for travel for face-to-face meetings.An active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirements.Understanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operates.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the AITERP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description. Member, Clinical Radiology OSCER Examination Review Panel (CROERP) OverviewThe CROERP, a panel of the Clinical Radiology Education Advisory Committee (CREAC), is responsible for setting, reviewing and development of the Phase 2 Clinical Radiology OSCER examination.Members are expected to participate actively and be prepared to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There is currently one lead position available in the body system below.Musculoskeletal.CommitmentTypically, two (2) face-to-face meetings and two (2) online meetings per year, attendance at the OSCER examinations (held twice per year) and additional time required for development of exam content and marking.Eligibility CriteriaEssential attributesFellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology at least five years post-FRANZCR.Currently a practicing specialist/sub-specialist in their field.Actively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiology registrars.Must have clinical radiology OSCER examining experience.Available for travel for face-to-face meetings.Knowledge of curriculum and assessment processes.An active participant in their College’s CPD program and meetings or exceeds minimal requirements.Desirable attributesInterest and/or expertise in examination matters.Actively involved in teaching of training of radiologists.Understanding of the medical, education, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operates.A skills evaluator and good communicator.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 200-word statement outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the Clinical Radiology Chief Censor, c/o Ellen Dunphy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.For more information, please review the position description. Related Documents RANZCR Faculty of Clinical Radiology Expression of Interest Expression of Interest Form for the Faculty of Clinical Radiology. Download PDF - 228.6KB Faculty of Radiation Oncology Expression of Interest Form Expression of Interest Form for the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Download PDF - 208.9KB Expert Witness Member Registration Form Registration form for members wishing to be included in RANZCR's Expert... 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Are you interested in becoming a College assessor of International Medical Graduates (IMGs)?
Expressions of interest are being formally called from College Fellows who have held FRANZCR for more than five (5) years to become International Medical Graduate (IMG) Assessors. IMG Assessors are responsible for the assessments of IMGs (clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists) wishing to work in Australia or New Zealand. Expressions of interest are being formally called from College Fellows who have held FRANZCR for more than five (5) years to become International Medical Graduate (IMG) Assessors. IMG Assessors are responsible for the assessments of IMGs (clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists) wishing to work in Australia or New Zealand.
RANZCR is accredited by the Australian Medical Council to conduct assessments of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) on behalf of the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) for the specialties of clinical radiology and radiation oncology. In Australia, assessments are undertaken for suitability to work in Area of Need positions and for specialist recognition, which leads to the awarding of FRANZCR.
In New Zealand, the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) is the regulatory authority for granting medical registration based on the advice of our College IMG assessors.
Assessment blocks may be half day (approximately three hours) or full day, with assessments held either:
The EOI should be accompanied by an executive CV and a personal statement of no more than 150 words outlining your interest and appropriateness for the role.
For more information, please see the position description and refer to the IMG section of the College website, here.
Enquiries should be directed to Melanie Daniels, Senior Project Officer (IMG) on 02 9268 9759 or Casey Tuminello, Project Officer (IMG) on 02 9268 9743 or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please apply as soon as possible via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Executive Committee (MATEC) RANZCR is seeking expressions of interest from Māori, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islanders members and trainees to join RANZCR’s Māori, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander Executive Committee (MATEC). The MATEC is a high-level bi-national committee reporting to the Faculties of Clinical Radiology and Radiation Oncology Councils jointly. Its goal is to support the professions of clinical radiology and radiation oncology in delivering more equitable health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and Māori people. This objective is achieved by maintaining a clear governance and accountability framework, underpinned by justice and fairness in line with the Māori, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan, with expert Indigenous voices at its core. MATEC facilitates RANZCR members in providing culturally competent and safe practice. It emphasises the importance of making an effective and long-term difference to Indigenous health outcomes. Additionally, the committee aims to grow and support the Indigenous clinical radiology and radiation oncology workforce, while ensuring compliance with the Australian Medical Council’s (AMC) and Medical Council of New Zealand’s (MCNZ) accreditation standards. CommitmentMATEC meets two-three times per year (either via video conference or face-to-face).Additional time is required for policy development and contributing to MATEC projects.How to apply Please send your expression of interest and bio to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you have any questions or would like a copy of the terms of reference, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 2026 RANZCR ASM Convenors - Christchurch, New Zealand OverviewThe 2026 ASM will be hosted in Christchurch, New Zealand. We are currently seeking members to convene the meetings in interventional radiology and interventional neuroradiology.Commitment Being a convenor involves attending a monthly meeting in the year leading up to the conference, drafting the programme and finding speakers and session chairs. Eligibility To be eligible for the local organising committee you will have attended a RANZCR ASM in the past, be working in Christchurch, New Zealand and be a current member of RANZCR. You will have the services of a professional conference organiser (PCO) who has worked with the College for many years and the College’s Events Team. How to apply To indicate interest, or if you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. JMIRO Reviewer The College invites Fellows and Trainees to become peer reviewers for submissions to the Journal of Medical Imaging of Radiation Oncology (JMIRO).Peer review is designed to assess the validity, quality and often the originality of articles for publication. It is the foundation for safeguarding the quality and integrity of scientific research.The opportunity to review submissions to JMIRO will provide an excellent insight into research in medical imaging and radiation oncology and it will allow you to develop your research skills and knowledge. Becoming a peer reviewer allows you to see research before it is published, and the experience will enhance your CV. You will be supported by an experienced team of Associate Editors, who will assess and provide feedback on your reviews.How to applyHow to become a trainee reviewer:Complete the following free online course to guide you through the essentials of peer review: Becoming a Peer Reviewer.Email your certificate of course completion to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Someone from the College will contact you to confirm receipt and whether or not you have fulfilled the requirements. If you have fulfilled the requirements, Wiley will contact you with all the information you need to start reviewing.JMIRO’s publisher, Wiley, also have a variety of resources and information regarding peer review.For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee Overview Expressions of interest are invited from RANZCR Fellows to join the Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee, which has been established and is led by the RACP. The purpose of the Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee is to provide a forum for engagement and collaboration of medical colleges on climate change and health policy and advocacy. It will inform the development of sector-wide approaches to climate change and health policy and advocacy positions, strategies and activities. The vacancy is for ONE Fellow Representative. Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellow Representatives are encouraged to apply. Please review the committee terms of reference prior to applying.Eligibility criteria The FRANZCR Representatives will:Have expertise in climate change and health, which may include knowledge, skills and experience in public and private practice, healthcare system reform, epidemiology, health economics, planetary health, and climate risk analysis and adaptationBe available to attend video/teleconference meetings and be able to review documents via email as requiredHave connections and networks with their college committees and membership and a willingness to engage in advocacy initiatives. Commitment The Advisory Committee will hold no more than 12 video/teleconference meetings per calendar year. The Advisory Committee’s work will take place online including via email, phone, video/teleconference and other communication and document sharing services.How to apply An Expression of Interest form (EOI) should be accompanied by your CV and a short statement (no more than 250 words) outlining your interest and appropriateness for the committee. Enquiries and applications should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will close when the position has been filled. Radiation Oncology Executive Member - Gynaecological Oncology Radiation Oncology Collaboration (GOROC) OverviewExpression of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of GOROC special interest group.GOROC is a special interest group (SIG) of radiation oncologists in Australia and New Zealand with expertise in managing gynaecological malignancies. It aims to advance best-practice radiation therapy for gynaecological cancers by developing clinical guidelines and enhancing the recognition of brachytherapy in this field.CommitmentThis is a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms.Face-to-face meetings or teleconferences twice per year or as required.Provide professional input with respect to issues on request by the College office.Provide advice to the relevant College bodies including Council and other committees and groups regarding GOROC’s area of expertise.Provide assistance to the College’s ASM Management Committee (when requested) e.g. assist in identifying key speakers and developing sessions in relation to the GOROC’s area of interest.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.CPD hours are available for attendance at SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.These hours may be claimed in the Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice category under CPD activity type Other clinical governance. For further details please refer to the CPD Handbook.Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, together with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Monica Kurniawan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications close 5 pm Wednesday, 30 April 2025 AEST. For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Executive Member - Australian and New Zealand Palliative Radiation Oncology Group (ANZPROG) OverviewExpressions of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of the Australian and New Zealand Palliative Radiation Oncology Group (ANZPROG) special interest group. ANZPROG aims to advance professional expertise in palliative radiation oncology across Australia and New Zealand. It provides a platform for members to discuss key issues in palliative care and stay informed about significant national and international policies and practices that impact oncology patients in the region. ANZPROG members include general radiation oncologists with an interest in palliative radiation oncology.CommitmentFace to face meetings or teleconferences twice per year or as required.Provide professional input with respect to issues on request by the College office.Provide advice to the relevant College bodies including Council and other committees and groups regarding ANZPROG’s area of expertise.Provide assistance to the College’s ASM Management Committee (when requested) e.g. assist in identifying key speakers and developing sessions in relation to the ANZPROG’s area of interest.This is a three-year term.CPD hours are available for attendance at ANZPROG SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.These hours may be claimed in the Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice category under CPD activity type Other clinical governance. For further details please refer to the CPD Handbook.Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, together with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Monica Kurniawan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications close 5 pm Friday 21 March 2025 AEDT.For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Trainee Executive Member, Faculty of Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary Group (FROGG) OverviewWe are seeking one radiation oncology trainee to join the FROGG Executive team. The FROGG has been a highly successful special interest group of the College and is keen to engage a trainee in its ongoing activities. The objectives of the FROGG are to:Facilitate best practice in genito-urinary radiation oncology.Promote and coordinate educational programs related to the practice of genito-urinary radiation oncology.Advocates for genito-urinary cancer treatment and the use of radiation in particular.Serve as a recognised radiation oncology reference group to advise the College, Government and other bodies on management of genito-urinary cancer.Trainee input is sought particularly in relation to issues which relate to radiation oncology training. Please view the Terms of Reference for more information.CommitmentFour to five, one-hour long teleconference meetings and one to two face-to-face meetings per year.Eligibility criteriaSuccessful completion of Phase 1 Examination in radiation oncology.Current radiation oncology trainee.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return an Expression of Interest form outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..If you are interested in being involved or would like further information about the FROGG, please contact Dr Braden Higgs, Chair of the FROGG Executive Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Applications close 5 pm AEDT on 28 February 2025. Cultural, Diversity & Inclusion Ambassador, Radiation Oncology Education & Training Committee (ROETC) Overview Expressions of Interest are being called for a Cultural, Diversity and Inclusion Ambassador to join Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee (ROETC). The role of the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee is to develop and oversee the educational content, assessments and accreditation mechanisms that ensure trainees can become competent radiation oncologists. It also has responsibility for assessing the suitability of candidates for Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates). For further information please refer to the Terms of Reference.The current incumbent will step down from this role at the end of 2024. This is a three-year co-opted role on ROETC with voting rights.Eligibility criteriaA RANZCR Fellow for at least two years, Life member or Educational Affiliate with specialist/vocational registration. Interest and/or experience in advancing diversity and promoting inclusivity within radiation oncology and training. Actively involved in the radiation oncology accredited teaching and training program.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment Four meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings). Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by ROETC at their next meeting following the EOI close date and thereafter the nominees recommended by the ROETC will be tabled at the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council for endorsement.If more than one candidate applies, ROETC will review the applications and make a determination.Deadline for applicationsApplications are open until the position is filled. Director of Training/Clinical Supervisor Liaison, Radiation Oncology Education & Training Committee (ROETC) OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for a Director of Training (DoT) / Clinical Supervisor (CS) Liaison to join Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee (ROETC). The role of the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee is to develop and oversee the educational content, assessments and accreditation mechanisms that ensure trainees can become competent Radiation Oncologists. It also has responsibility for assessing the suitability of candidates for Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates). For further information please refer to the Terms of Reference.The current incumbent will step down from this role at the end of 2024. This is a three-year co-opted role on ROETC with voting rights. The DoT and CS Liaison will provide specific insights from the DoT and CS perspective to all ROETC discussions.Eligibility criteriaA RANZCR Fellow for at least two years, Life member or Educational Affiliate with specialist /vocational registration. Previous or current experience as a DoT.Interest in clinical supervisor training and evaluation.Actively involved in the radiation oncology accredited teaching and training program.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment Four meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings). Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by ROETC at their next meeting following the EOI close date and thereafter the nominees recommended by the ROETC will be tabled at the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council for endorsement.If more than one candidate applies, ROETC will review the applications and make a determination.Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025. ANZGOG Preceptorship 2024 | Targeting Molecular Pathways in Gynae Cancers OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for radiation oncology trainees and any early career clinicians to present on an assigned topic at the Australia and New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG) online Preceptorship this year.This year the Preceptorship focus is Targeting Molecular Pathways in Gynaecological Cancer. It will be co-Chaired by Prof Anna DeFazio AM and Dr George Au-Yeung.The Preceptorship 2024 learning objectives are:Understand the rationale for the current recommendations for molecular testing in high-grade serous ovarian cancer.Understanding the molecular subtypes of endometrial cancer and their implications for management.Learning the common molecular alterations of rarer ovarian cancer histological subtypes particularly focusing on LGSOC and mucinous.Learn about emerging molecular pathways being targeted in gynaecological cancers.CommitmentThe successful applicant will be expected to prepare and present on an assigned topic at the preceptorship. As part of your presentation preparation, you will be supervised by a mentor. The Preceptorship will be held virtually over the following days:Friday 29 November 2024| 12.30pm – 5.30pm (AEDT)Saturday 30 November 2024 | 10.30am – 12.30pm (AEDT)Eligibility criteriaRadiation oncology trainees or any early career clinicians.How to applyShould you wish to apply, please complete and return the application form by the application closing date of Monday 14 October 2024. There are limited spaces available.The application form can be download from the ANZGOG website here: Member, FRO Quality Improvement Committee Overview We are seeking Fellows to join the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Quality Improvement Committee (QIC). This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in promoting a quality-centred approach of the Faculty by providing strategic and policy advice and conceptual models to ensure ongoing improvement in patient care. There are currently two positions, including one New Zealand representative, available for 3-year terms.The objectives of the QIC are to:regularly workshop and review matters of quality and best practice (bi-national and international) and advise the Faculty of issues arising;develop advice for the Faculty on strategic directions, priorities and mechanisms in the area of quality to ensure that Radiation Oncology stays at the forefront of best-practice world-wide;development of policy frameworks, advice and/ or recommendations on issues of quality and standards including but not limited to:issues of importance for the Faculty Councilissues raised by the Faculty Deanissues of importance to the Radiation Oncology Allianceissues of importance to patients and carers.Please view the Terms of Reference for further informationCommitment 4 meetings (via videoconference with the possibility of 1 face to face meeting) annually for a 3-year termEligibility criteriaRadiation Oncology FellowsHow to applyIf you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the QIC Secretariat May Lalehzari, Program Officer, Standards.Please send a CV and complete the expression of interest form with a short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the working group to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 11 October 2024. Members, Learning Experiences and Outcomes Committee OverviewExpressions of interest are being called from members for the Learning Experiences and Outcomes Committee (LEO).The LEO Committee is an advisory committee to the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee.The LEO Committee has oversight of the development and maintenance of the Radiation Oncology Training Program Learning Outcomes, the development of teaching and learning experiences to assist radiation oncology trainees to achieve the learning outcomes and work-based assessments, to measure trainee progress against the learning outcomes, and the development of training framework for Directors of Training and clinical supervisors to improve learning and assessment experiences.CommitmentThe successful applicant will be expected to:Attend committee meetings and actively participate in discussions at these meetings.Read and consider agenda papers and minutes of meetings.Keep abreast of key issues, including bi-national and international developments that may affect the work and areas of responsibility of the committee.Dedicate time outside of the committee meetings to undertake activities on behalf of the committee, such as presenting at workshops and webinars, drafting of documents, responding to emails, research, provision of advice and otherwise as required.Assist in the development of relationships with College partners and stakeholders.Support the development of the policies by the Faculty of Radiation Oncology.For further information please view the LEO Terms of Reference.Eligibility Criteria Be a Fellow of RANZCR.Have five years consultant experience in a radiation oncology department at an accredited training site.LEO members may be re-elected to serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a curriculum vitae to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. Applications close 30 September 2024 at 5 pm AEST. Applications will be reviewed by the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council.For more information, please contact Autumn Saunders, Program Officer, Curriculum Development via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Medical Treatment Overseas Program Assessors (MTOP) Expressions of interest are being sought for MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program) Assessors.The Federal Government’s Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP) helps approved Australians who have a life-threatening medical condition access to life-saving medical treatment overseas where treatment is not available in Australia.The College supports the Federal Government by providing medical advice when assessing applications which are funded under the MTOP Program.The Role of an MTOP Assessor is to review and assess MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program) Applications as requested based on the following four criteria:The proposed overseas treatment or an effective alternative treatment are not available in Australia and won’t be available in time to benefit the patient.The overseas treatment will either significantly extend the patient’s life or potentially cure the condition.The overseas treatment has a real prospect of being successful.The Australian medical profession accepts the overseas treatment as a standard form of treatment for the patient’s condition.Eligibility This opportunity is open to radiation oncology Fellows with the following attributes:Knowledge/familiarity of Particle TherapyKnowledge of the pathologies that could be assessed which include but are not limited to:Skull ChordomaChondrosarcomaCraniopharyngiomaPaediatric Radiation OncologyThe ability to assess the comparative efficacy of Proton Therapy to the treatments currently available in Australia.Commitment MTOP applications are received periodically, there is no set timing.On receiving an MTOP application, the MTOP assessor is required to provide their assessment to the College within one week.Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be submitted to Particle Therapy Working Group for consideration. For more information, please contact Fotini Kekembanos, Program Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Rami Elzahaby, Manager, Faculties, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Clinical Radiology Executive Member - Australian and New Zealand Emergency Radiology Group (ANZERG) OverviewExpression of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of ANZERG special interest group.ANZERG is a network of RANZCR members interested in emergency and trauma radiology, committed to supporting and enhancing the learning and skills of Fellows and registrars in this field. The group conducts educational activities at the RANZCR ASM and plans to establish standalone scientific meetings in the future. Operating under the auspices of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, ANZERG serves as an advisory body to the College on scientific, educational, and patient-centered operational issues related to Emergency and Trauma Radiology. Additionally, it collaborates with international bodies and societies on matters of common interest to advance the field.CommitmentThis is a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms.Face-to-face meetings or teleconferences twice per year or as required.Provide professional input with respect to issues on request by the College office.Provide advice to the relevant College bodies including Council and other committees and groups regarding ANZERG’s area of expertise.Provide assistance to the College’s ASM Management Committee (when requested) e.g. assist in identifying key speakers and developing sessions in relation to the ANZERG’s area of interest.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.CPD hours are available for attendance at SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.These hours may be claimed in the Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice category under CPD activity type Other clinical governance. For further details please refer to the CPD Handbook.Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, together with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Monica Kurniawan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications close 5 pm on Friday, 11 April 2025 AEST.For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Members, Ultrasound Reference Group OverviewThe Ultrasound Reference Group functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to ultrasound in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in ultrasound.The aims of the Ultrasound Reference Group, which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to ultrasound.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to ultrasound.Work with the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to ultrasound.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to ultrasound may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to college members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding ultrasound.CommitmentThe commitment to this group includes reviewing or providing opinions on an average of five documents per year.The terms for group members will be three years, starting from the commencement date.CPD credits are available for attendance at Ultrasound meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) OverviewThe Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) functions as an expert advisory committee to provide advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology on emerging quality, safety and standards of practice issues related to the provision of breast imaging in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in breast imaging.The aims of the Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to breast imaging.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members and external enquiries on issues relating to breast imagingWork with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to breast imagingContribute to the development and review of position statements, providing expert input on key issues in breast imaging, and ensuring alignment with current practices and standards.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to breast imaging may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to College members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding breast imaging.CommitmentThe commitment to this committee involves attending one meeting per quarter, lasting approximately one hour, plus additional reading time.Committee members are also expected to spend an additional hour each month reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents and consultations.The term for committee members will be three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD hours are available for attendance at BIAC meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online. Expenses incurred for rare face-to-face meetings will be reimbursed as per the College’s reimbursement of expenses policy.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the BIAC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) OverviewThe Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) is responsible for providing expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, College members, and external stakeholders on issues related to safety, quality, standards, and associated matters in clinical (diagnostic and interventional) radiology.An expression of interest is invited for Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with a keen interest in the areas of safety, quality, and standards of practice.The aims of the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Offer guidance to Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, and external stakeholders on safety, quality, and standards in clinical radiology practice.Contribute to the development and review of policies, position statements, and clinical practice guidelines or that influence best practice in clinical radiology and shape the profession's future.Support the College’s role in advocating for the viability and sustainability of the clinical radiology profession in Australia and New Zealand, providing evidence-based advice to governments, regulators, and healthcare organisations.Monitor and address emerging trends, new technologies, and evolving clinical practices in radiology to ensure the profession adapts to changing healthcare needs and maintains high standards.Collaborate with external bodies, including government agencies, professional organisations, and healthcare providers, to influence and inform policies and decisions affecting the clinical radiology profession.Commitment Members will aim to attend one face-to-face meeting and three teleconferences per year (approximately one hour each), along with additional reading and review time.Members are also expected to spend about one hour every fortnight reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents.The term is three years, starting from the date of commencement. Please see Terms of Reference for more information.CPD hours are available for attendance at SQSC meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the CollegeHow to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Consumer Representative, Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) OverviewThe Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) is responsible for providing expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, College members, and external stakeholders on issues related to safety, quality, standards, and associated matters in clinical (diagnostic and interventional) radiology.The Faculty of Clinical Radiology of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from members to apply for the position of Consumer Representative on the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC).Key responsibilities of the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Contribute to the development and review of policies, position statements, and clinical practice guidelines that influence best practices in clinical radiology.Offer guidance to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, and external stakeholders on safety, quality, and standards in clinical radiology practice.Support the College’s advocacy for the viability and sustainability of the clinical radiology profession in Australia and New Zealand.Collaborate with external bodies, such as government agencies, professional organisations, and healthcare providers, to influence and inform policies and decisions affecting clinical radiology.Selection criteriaThe ideal candidate will demonstrate the following role-related experience and personal competencies:Role-related experience:Experience in advocating for the needs of consumers and the community.Ability to provide independent and consumer-focused perspectives on healthcare and medical organisations.Proven experience fostering collaboration between consumers, clinicians, and health professionals.Interest in promoting the study and advancement of knowledge in health, medicine, and clinical radiology.Interest in encouraging research in matters related to clinical radiology.CommitmentMembers will aim to attend one face-to-face meeting and three teleconferences per year (approximately one hour each), along with additional reading and review time.Members are also expected to spend about one hour every fortnight reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents.The term is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD credits are available for attendance at SQSC meetings.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Reference Group OverviewThe Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Reference Group is a group of clinical experts providing advice and guidance to the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) on MRI-related practice, emerging trends, and standards of care in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with a keen interest in MRI and a passion for advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.The aims of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reference Group (MRI RG), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Liaise with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to MRIProvide a forum for discussion and expert advice on MRI-related issues to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers.Collaborate with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology with a specific focus on MRI.Identify and recommend mechanisms to promote and implement MRI standards across the College membership and the broader health sector.Respond strategically to new and emerging areas of MRI practice based on College members’ interests and professional developments in the field.CommitmentMembers are required to attend one online meeting per quarter, lasting approximately one hour, in addition to committing time for reading and reviewing professional documents, consultations, and providing feedback.Members should expect to dedicate about one hour per month for ongoing review and input.The term of membership is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD credits are available for attendance at MRI reference group meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Computed Tomography (CT) Reference Group OverviewThe Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to computed tomography in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in computed tomography (CT).The aims of the Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT), which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to computed tomography.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to computed tomography.Work with the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to computed tomography.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to computed tomography may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to college members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding computed tomographyCommitmentThe commitment to this group includes reviewing or providing opinions on an average of five documents per year.The terms for group members will be three years, starting from the commencement date.CPD credits are available for attendance at CT Reference Group meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) Reference Group OverviewThe Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to bone mineral densitometry in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in bone mineral densitometry (BMD) and a commitment to advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.The aims of the Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to BMD.Provide a forum for discussion and expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to BMD.Collaborate with the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology with a specific focus on BMD.Identify and recommend mechanisms to promote and implement BMD standards across the College membership and the broader health sector.Respond strategically to emerging areas of BMD practice based on College members’ interests and professional developments in the field.CommitmentMembers of the Bone Mineral Density Reference Group are expected to review or provide opinion on an average of five documents per year. This commitment will involve reviewing professional documents and providing feedback on consultations, as well as attending meetings as required.The term for committee members is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD hours are available for attendance at BMD Reference Group meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Member, Cardiac MRI Conjoint Committee OverviewCardiac MRI Specialists are invited to apply to represent RANZCR on the Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in CMRI (Conjoint Committee)• One Radiologist conjoint committee member (representing RANZCR)• The term of office for each Conjoint Committee member is three years and may be re-elected to serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms.The aim of the Conjoint Committee is to maintain the Position Statement on Initial Certification and Maintenance of Recognition in Cardiac MRI for training, assessment and quality assurance in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand, and to certify applicants seeking recognition in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand.Link to Cardiac MRI webpage: Certification in Cardiac MRI | RANZCREligibility• Member of RANZCR• Current accreditation as a CMRI Specialist• Minimum registration as a CMRI Specialist of five yearsCommitmentFour online meetings annually.Content commitmentThere are approximately 165 CMRI specialists currently registered who are required to submit their Maintenance of Recognition application on a 3-year cycle, in addition to applicants applying for initial registration. The applications are reviewed by one cardiologist, and one radiologist, therefore each quarter, applications are split into three batches to be reviewed by conjoint committee members. Any discrepancies are discussed at the quarterly meetings.Conjoint Committee MembersThree Cardiologists and three Radiologists.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a short statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with an executive summary CV (4 pages maximum) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applications close 14 March 2025. Members, Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee OverviewWe are seeking Fellows to join the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee. This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in imaging guidelines and CDS.The aim of the CDS Governance Committee is to provide advice to the SQSC and Faculty of Clinical Radiology around Clinical Decision Support, oversee the work of the imaging guidelines working group, ensuring processes are followed and content remains current, relevant and patient focused.Please view the Terms of Reference for further information.EligibilityClinical radiology FellowsCommitmentMeetings via videoconference as needed, length and frequency to be determined, currently set as four, one-hour meetings, no more than one face to face meeting per annum.How to applyIf you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the working group secretariat, Jessica Brown, Senior Project Officer, Digital Health.Please send an executive CV (two-page) and complete the expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the Committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1 April 2025. Branch Representatives, CRETC OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for three Branch representatives to join the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) for one year. (SA, TAS and WA from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025.)The role of the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) is:To develop the educational learning outcomes, learning experiences, work-based assessments, and examinations to ensure that that trainees become competent clinical radiologists.To accredit training sites to deliver these experiences.To assess suitability of candidates for admission into Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates).For further information please refer to the CRETC Terms of Reference.Branch representative is a new role on CRETC and is available to members of Branches which do not have a Branch Education Officer. The Branch Representative role is to ensure all branches have a voice at CRETC and act as conduit between CRETC and those involved in the local accredited training program.A suitable candidate for this role:Is involved in accredited training.Liaises regularly with the Network Training Directors (NTDs) regarding any significant training issues.Has a broad understanding of and experience with the delivery of College education activities.Acts as a conduit between the College, the trainees, the training departments, and the health authorities of the relevant jurisdictions and supports the accreditation process.Reports to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC).Eligibility criteriaA Fellow of RANZCR in SA, TAS and WA.Five years consultant experience in a clinical radiology department at an accredited training site.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. CommitmentFour meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings).Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council’s Appointment Committee at their next meeting following the EOI close date.If more than one candidate applies, the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council will review the applications and make a determination. Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025. Members, Musculoskeletal (MSK) Expert Advisory Group OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows in New Zealand with interest and experience in musculoskeletal radiology to join the MSK Expert Advisory Group to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).There are two vacant position available on the MSK group:Two member positions commencing 1 January 2025 and concluding 31 December 2027.The purpose of the MSK Group is to collaborate and strengthen an effective working relationship between ACC and RANZCR and allow discussion of strategic and operational matters involving musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging.The MSK Group reports to the New Zealand Branch Committee.For further information, please view the committee Terms of Reference. Eligibility CriteriaThis opportunity is open to New Zealand clinical radiology Fellows with an interest and/or experience in musculoskeletal radiology.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment The committee generally meets four times per year online with one face-to-face meeting and additional work as required for specific projects. How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications must be submitted by 5 pm NZST Thursday, 28 October 2024. Nominations will be considered by the NZ Branch Committee.For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Members, Diagnostic Economic Committee Overview Expressions of interest are being called to join the Diagnostic Economic Committee (DEC) for one (1) Fellow with experience and interest in contributing to the sustainability of clinical radiology, and the promotion of accessible and affordable healthcare for patients in Australia.The DEC supports Faculty Council in developing policies to inform and influence governments and other decision makers, including the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC), about the importance and sustainability of clinical radiology in Australia.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Specialty Clinical RadiologyEligibility Criteria Fellows holding directorships or senior executive roles in publicly listed radiology practices are not eligible for membership of this committee.CommitmentTypically 5 meetings per year by teleconference with additional work as required for specific projects.How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300 word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a 2 page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like further information on the role, please contact Purnima Rai, Policy Officer on +64 4472 6473. Applications close at 5pm Friday 28 February 2025. Please see the Terms of Reference of the Committee for more information. Members, New Zealand IMG Assessors OverviewAs per RANZCR’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) the International Medical Graduate (IMG) committee is responsible for the assessment of IMGs for equivalency to RANZCR trained clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists.Expressions of interest are invited from New Zealand Fellows in clinical radiology who have held FRANZCR for more than five (5) years to become IMG assessors as part of the NZ Vocational Education Advisory Board (VEAB). The VEAB is responsible for the assessment of IMGs to determine equivalency to RANZCR trained clinical radiologists.CommitmentCurrently assessments are conducted online, one afternoon (approximately three hours) per month.Eligibility CriteriaClinical Radiologists, at least five (5) years in a vocational scope of practice, preferably FRANZCR.How to apply An Expression of Interest form (EOI) should be accompanied by your CV and a short statement (no more than 250 words) outlining your interest and appropriateness for the committee. Enquiries and applications should be directed to Melanie Daniels via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. See the Position Description. Trainee Member, Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) The Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) functions as an expert advisory committee to provide advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology on emerging quality, safety and standards of practice issues related to the provision of breast imaging in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from trainee members in clinical radiology with a keen interest in breast imaging. The aims of the Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members and external enquiries on issues relating to breast imagingWork with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to breast imagingIdentify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to breast imaging may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sectorRespond strategically to College members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding breast imagingLiaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to breast imaging.CommitmentThe commitment to this committee is for one hour’s meeting each quarter, plus reading time, with an additional hour or so each month for reviewing and commenting on professional documents and consultations. The committee member terms will be for three years.How to applyShould you wish to join BIAC, please complete and return the Expression of Interest Form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Traci James-Scott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applications are open until positions are filled. Clinical Image Reviewers - MQAP OverviewExpressions of interest are invited from Clinical Radiologists to join RANZCR’s Mammography Quality Assurance Program (MQAP) as a Clinical Image Reviewer to review submissions from sites joining and participating in the MQAP program.MQAP provides quality assurance assessment for mammography sites. Participation is open to private medical imaging practices, and medical imaging departments of public and private hospitals.EligibilityRadiologists with a subspecialty interest in mammography and who participate in the mammography component of the RANZCR CPD program.CommitmentClinical Image Reviewers will be requested to provide their availability for the year on commencing the position and subsequently on a yearly basis. They may be contacted throughout the year according to their availability to review MQAP submissions.Each MQAP review will take approximately (30 minutes) to undertake.Clinical Image Reviewers may continue working within the MQAP Program as long as their skills remain compliant with MQAP Program requirements.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word (maximum) statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with your curriculum vitae addressed to Leona MacKenzie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please contact Leona via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group (NMSIG) Overview The RANZCR Board establishes Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in areas of specific interest to the membership within clinical radiology and radiation oncology. Each SIG is a group of members who share an interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or clinical expertise, whose primary aim is to provide a platform for members to communicate and further this interest.The Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group (NMSIG) has been newly established to provide a forum within the Faculty of Clinical Radiology for interested members to form a bi-national group of clinical radiologists.We are seeking members to join a new Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group dealing with all aspects of nuclear medicine in radiology, whose key objectives have been identified as:Encourage and engage in advocacy activities for nuclear medicine in radiology practiceDiscuss key issues in nuclear medicine so RANZCR and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology are kept updated with significant national and international policies and practices that are influential to radiology patients in Australia and New ZealandAdvance professional expertise in nuclear medicine in radiology in Australia and New ZealandFoster inter-disciplinary relationships with key professional bodies in nuclear medicine in Australia and New Zealand.SpecialtyClinical RadiologyEligibilityThis opportunity is open to RANZCR members in Australia and New Zealand.CommitmentMeetings via videoconference as needed (currently scheduled for two per annum) with either an in person or hybrid/online meeting at the ASM.How to applyIf you are interested in joining this special interest group, please submit your EOI to Traci James-Scott, Program Officer, Standards Units at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Members, Interventional Radiology Committee OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows to join the Interventional Radiology Committee (IRC).The IRC is a standing committee that provides the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council with advice and information on educational, professional and practice issues for all aspects of interventional radiology (IR) and interventional neuroradiology (INR). The Committee assists in the promotion of IR and INR as radiological specialties and ensures that clinical radiologists are supported to provide best-practice interventional care to patients delivered in an evidence-based, quality and sustainable way. Please see the Terms of Reference for further information. Eligibility criteriaWe are seeking the following RANZCR members to join the committee:One clinical radiologist who routinely performs basic interventional procedures (formerly Tier A)One New Zealand clinical radiologist who routinely performs interventional neuroradiology procedures (co-opted position).CommitmentOne face-to-face meeting and currently up to eight videoconferences per year, along with out of hours work reviewing documents, providing expert advice and other projects. This is a three-year term.How to applyPlease complete and return the FCR expression of interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..For further information please contact the IRC Secretariat, Vanessa Banda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Applications will close once positions are filled. Training and Exams Members, Clinical Radiology Radiology MCQ Examination Review Panel OverviewThe Clinical Radiology Radiology MCQ Examination Review Panel (CRRERP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, and reviewing of the Phase 2 Radiology MCQ written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the CRRERP for 2025.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the Radiology MCQ examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and standard set the examinations outside the above meeting times.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREAC.Eligibility CriteriaEssential attributes:A Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalentMust currently be a practicing sub-specialist / special interest in their fieldAvailable for travel for face-to-face meetingsKnowledgeable of curriculum and assessment processesAn active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirementsDesirable attributes:Interest and/or expertise in examination mattersActively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologistsUnderstanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operatesA skilled evaluator and good communicatorThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the CRRERP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description. Members, Clinical Radiology Case Reporting Examination Review Panel OverviewThe Clinical Radiology Case Reporting Examination Review Panel (CRCRRP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, reviewing, and marking of the Phase 2 Case Reporting written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the CRCRRP for 2025.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the Case Reporting examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and mark and standard set the examinations outside the above meetings.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREAC.Eligibility CriteriaEssential attributes:A Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalentMust currently be a practicing sub-specialist / special interest in their fieldAvailable for travel for face-to-face meetingsKnowledgeable of curriculum and assessment processesAn active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirementsDesirable attributes:Interest and/or expertise in examination mattersActively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologistsUnderstanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operatesA skilled evaluator and good communicatorThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the CRCRRP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description. Member, Applied Imaging Technology Examination Review Panel (AITERP) OverviewThe Applied Imaging Technology Examination Review Panel (AITERP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, reviewing, and marking of the Phase 1 Applied Imaging Technology (AIT) written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the AITERP for 2025. All vacancies are for radiologist members of the panel.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the AIT examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and mark the examinations outside the above meetings.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREACEligibility CriteriaEssential attributesA Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalent.In exceptional circumstances, Faculty Council may co-opt a member with specific skills and experience.A skilled evaluator and good communicator.Demonstrate current clinical experience in the relevant curriculum.A practicing sub-specialist/special interest in their field.Knowledgeable of curriculum, learning outcomes and assessment processes.Interest and/or expertise in examination matters.Actively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologists.Available for travel for face-to-face meetings.An active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirements.Understanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operates.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the AITERP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description. Member, Clinical Radiology OSCER Examination Review Panel (CROERP) OverviewThe CROERP, a panel of the Clinical Radiology Education Advisory Committee (CREAC), is responsible for setting, reviewing and development of the Phase 2 Clinical Radiology OSCER examination.Members are expected to participate actively and be prepared to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There is currently one lead position available in the body system below.Musculoskeletal.CommitmentTypically, two (2) face-to-face meetings and two (2) online meetings per year, attendance at the OSCER examinations (held twice per year) and additional time required for development of exam content and marking.Eligibility CriteriaEssential attributesFellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology at least five years post-FRANZCR.Currently a practicing specialist/sub-specialist in their field.Actively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiology registrars.Must have clinical radiology OSCER examining experience.Available for travel for face-to-face meetings.Knowledge of curriculum and assessment processes.An active participant in their College’s CPD program and meetings or exceeds minimal requirements.Desirable attributesInterest and/or expertise in examination matters.Actively involved in teaching of training of radiologists.Understanding of the medical, education, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operates.A skills evaluator and good communicator.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 200-word statement outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the Clinical Radiology Chief Censor, c/o Ellen Dunphy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.For more information, please review the position description. Related Documents RANZCR Faculty of Clinical Radiology Expression of Interest Expression of Interest Form for the Faculty of Clinical Radiology. Download PDF - 228.6KB Faculty of Radiation Oncology Expression of Interest Form Expression of Interest Form for the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Download PDF - 208.9KB Expert Witness Member Registration Form Registration form for members wishing to be included in RANZCR's Expert... Download PDF - 171.2KB RANZCR Expert Witness Guidelines The Guidelines for RANZCR Fellows who act as Expert Witnesses. Download PDF - 253.6KB
The 2026 ASM will be hosted in Christchurch, New Zealand. We are currently seeking members to convene the meetings in interventional radiology and interventional neuroradiology.
Being a convenor involves attending a monthly meeting in the year leading up to the conference, drafting the programme and finding speakers and session chairs.
To be eligible for the local organising committee you will have attended a RANZCR ASM in the past, be working in Christchurch, New Zealand and be a current member of RANZCR. You will have the services of a professional conference organiser (PCO) who has worked with the College for many years and the College’s Events Team.
To indicate interest, or if you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The College invites Fellows and Trainees to become peer reviewers for submissions to the Journal of Medical Imaging of Radiation Oncology (JMIRO).
Peer review is designed to assess the validity, quality and often the originality of articles for publication. It is the foundation for safeguarding the quality and integrity of scientific research.
The opportunity to review submissions to JMIRO will provide an excellent insight into research in medical imaging and radiation oncology and it will allow you to develop your research skills and knowledge. Becoming a peer reviewer allows you to see research before it is published, and the experience will enhance your CV.
You will be supported by an experienced team of Associate Editors, who will assess and provide feedback on your reviews.
How to become a trainee reviewer:
JMIRO’s publisher, Wiley, also have a variety of resources and information regarding peer review.
For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Expressions of interest are invited from RANZCR Fellows to join the Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee, which has been established and is led by the RACP.
The purpose of the Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee is to provide a forum for engagement and collaboration of medical colleges on climate change and health policy and advocacy. It will inform the development of sector-wide approaches to climate change and health policy and advocacy positions, strategies and activities.
The vacancy is for ONE Fellow Representative. Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellow Representatives are encouraged to apply.
Please review the committee terms of reference prior to applying.
The FRANZCR Representatives will:
The Advisory Committee will hold no more than 12 video/teleconference meetings per calendar year. The Advisory Committee’s work will take place online including via email, phone, video/teleconference and other communication and document sharing services.
An Expression of Interest form (EOI) should be accompanied by your CV and a short statement (no more than 250 words) outlining your interest and appropriateness for the committee. Enquiries and applications should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will close when the position has been filled.
Expression of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of GOROC special interest group.
GOROC is a special interest group (SIG) of radiation oncologists in Australia and New Zealand with expertise in managing gynaecological malignancies. It aims to advance best-practice radiation therapy for gynaecological cancers by developing clinical guidelines and enhancing the recognition of brachytherapy in this field.
The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
CPD hours are available for attendance at SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.
These hours may be claimed in the Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice category under CPD activity type Other clinical governance. For further details please refer to the CPD Handbook.
Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, together with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Monica Kurniawan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applications close 5 pm Wednesday, 30 April 2025 AEST. For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Expressions of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of the Australian and New Zealand Palliative Radiation Oncology Group (ANZPROG) special interest group.
ANZPROG aims to advance professional expertise in palliative radiation oncology across Australia and New Zealand. It provides a platform for members to discuss key issues in palliative care and stay informed about significant national and international policies and practices that impact oncology patients in the region. ANZPROG members include general radiation oncologists with an interest in palliative radiation oncology.
CPD hours are available for attendance at ANZPROG SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.
Applications close 5 pm Friday 21 March 2025 AEDT.
For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are seeking one radiation oncology trainee to join the FROGG Executive team. The FROGG has been a highly successful special interest group of the College and is keen to engage a trainee in its ongoing activities. The objectives of the FROGG are to:
Trainee input is sought particularly in relation to issues which relate to radiation oncology training. Please view the Terms of Reference for more information.
Four to five, one-hour long teleconference meetings and one to two face-to-face meetings per year.
Please complete and return an Expression of Interest form outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you are interested in being involved or would like further information about the FROGG, please contact Dr Braden Higgs, Chair of the FROGG Executive Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Applications close 5 pm AEDT on 28 February 2025.
Expressions of Interest are being called for a Cultural, Diversity and Inclusion Ambassador to join Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee (ROETC).
The role of the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee is to develop and oversee the educational content, assessments and accreditation mechanisms that ensure trainees can become competent radiation oncologists. It also has responsibility for assessing the suitability of candidates for Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates). For further information please refer to the Terms of Reference.
The current incumbent will step down from this role at the end of 2024. This is a three-year co-opted role on ROETC with voting rights.
Deadline for applications
Applications are open until the position is filled.
Director of Training/Clinical Supervisor Liaison, Radiation Oncology Education & Training Committee (ROETC) OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for a Director of Training (DoT) / Clinical Supervisor (CS) Liaison to join Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee (ROETC). The role of the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee is to develop and oversee the educational content, assessments and accreditation mechanisms that ensure trainees can become competent Radiation Oncologists. It also has responsibility for assessing the suitability of candidates for Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates). For further information please refer to the Terms of Reference.The current incumbent will step down from this role at the end of 2024. This is a three-year co-opted role on ROETC with voting rights. The DoT and CS Liaison will provide specific insights from the DoT and CS perspective to all ROETC discussions.Eligibility criteriaA RANZCR Fellow for at least two years, Life member or Educational Affiliate with specialist /vocational registration. Previous or current experience as a DoT.Interest in clinical supervisor training and evaluation.Actively involved in the radiation oncology accredited teaching and training program.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment Four meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings). Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by ROETC at their next meeting following the EOI close date and thereafter the nominees recommended by the ROETC will be tabled at the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council for endorsement.If more than one candidate applies, ROETC will review the applications and make a determination.Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025. ANZGOG Preceptorship 2024 | Targeting Molecular Pathways in Gynae Cancers OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for radiation oncology trainees and any early career clinicians to present on an assigned topic at the Australia and New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG) online Preceptorship this year.This year the Preceptorship focus is Targeting Molecular Pathways in Gynaecological Cancer. It will be co-Chaired by Prof Anna DeFazio AM and Dr George Au-Yeung.The Preceptorship 2024 learning objectives are:Understand the rationale for the current recommendations for molecular testing in high-grade serous ovarian cancer.Understanding the molecular subtypes of endometrial cancer and their implications for management.Learning the common molecular alterations of rarer ovarian cancer histological subtypes particularly focusing on LGSOC and mucinous.Learn about emerging molecular pathways being targeted in gynaecological cancers.CommitmentThe successful applicant will be expected to prepare and present on an assigned topic at the preceptorship. As part of your presentation preparation, you will be supervised by a mentor. The Preceptorship will be held virtually over the following days:Friday 29 November 2024| 12.30pm – 5.30pm (AEDT)Saturday 30 November 2024 | 10.30am – 12.30pm (AEDT)Eligibility criteriaRadiation oncology trainees or any early career clinicians.How to applyShould you wish to apply, please complete and return the application form by the application closing date of Monday 14 October 2024. There are limited spaces available.The application form can be download from the ANZGOG website here: Member, FRO Quality Improvement Committee Overview We are seeking Fellows to join the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Quality Improvement Committee (QIC). This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in promoting a quality-centred approach of the Faculty by providing strategic and policy advice and conceptual models to ensure ongoing improvement in patient care. There are currently two positions, including one New Zealand representative, available for 3-year terms.The objectives of the QIC are to:regularly workshop and review matters of quality and best practice (bi-national and international) and advise the Faculty of issues arising;develop advice for the Faculty on strategic directions, priorities and mechanisms in the area of quality to ensure that Radiation Oncology stays at the forefront of best-practice world-wide;development of policy frameworks, advice and/ or recommendations on issues of quality and standards including but not limited to:issues of importance for the Faculty Councilissues raised by the Faculty Deanissues of importance to the Radiation Oncology Allianceissues of importance to patients and carers.Please view the Terms of Reference for further informationCommitment 4 meetings (via videoconference with the possibility of 1 face to face meeting) annually for a 3-year termEligibility criteriaRadiation Oncology FellowsHow to applyIf you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the QIC Secretariat May Lalehzari, Program Officer, Standards.Please send a CV and complete the expression of interest form with a short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the working group to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 11 October 2024. Members, Learning Experiences and Outcomes Committee OverviewExpressions of interest are being called from members for the Learning Experiences and Outcomes Committee (LEO).The LEO Committee is an advisory committee to the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee.The LEO Committee has oversight of the development and maintenance of the Radiation Oncology Training Program Learning Outcomes, the development of teaching and learning experiences to assist radiation oncology trainees to achieve the learning outcomes and work-based assessments, to measure trainee progress against the learning outcomes, and the development of training framework for Directors of Training and clinical supervisors to improve learning and assessment experiences.CommitmentThe successful applicant will be expected to:Attend committee meetings and actively participate in discussions at these meetings.Read and consider agenda papers and minutes of meetings.Keep abreast of key issues, including bi-national and international developments that may affect the work and areas of responsibility of the committee.Dedicate time outside of the committee meetings to undertake activities on behalf of the committee, such as presenting at workshops and webinars, drafting of documents, responding to emails, research, provision of advice and otherwise as required.Assist in the development of relationships with College partners and stakeholders.Support the development of the policies by the Faculty of Radiation Oncology.For further information please view the LEO Terms of Reference.Eligibility Criteria Be a Fellow of RANZCR.Have five years consultant experience in a radiation oncology department at an accredited training site.LEO members may be re-elected to serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a curriculum vitae to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. Applications close 30 September 2024 at 5 pm AEST. Applications will be reviewed by the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council.For more information, please contact Autumn Saunders, Program Officer, Curriculum Development via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Medical Treatment Overseas Program Assessors (MTOP) Expressions of interest are being sought for MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program) Assessors.The Federal Government’s Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP) helps approved Australians who have a life-threatening medical condition access to life-saving medical treatment overseas where treatment is not available in Australia.The College supports the Federal Government by providing medical advice when assessing applications which are funded under the MTOP Program.The Role of an MTOP Assessor is to review and assess MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program) Applications as requested based on the following four criteria:The proposed overseas treatment or an effective alternative treatment are not available in Australia and won’t be available in time to benefit the patient.The overseas treatment will either significantly extend the patient’s life or potentially cure the condition.The overseas treatment has a real prospect of being successful.The Australian medical profession accepts the overseas treatment as a standard form of treatment for the patient’s condition.Eligibility This opportunity is open to radiation oncology Fellows with the following attributes:Knowledge/familiarity of Particle TherapyKnowledge of the pathologies that could be assessed which include but are not limited to:Skull ChordomaChondrosarcomaCraniopharyngiomaPaediatric Radiation OncologyThe ability to assess the comparative efficacy of Proton Therapy to the treatments currently available in Australia.Commitment MTOP applications are received periodically, there is no set timing.On receiving an MTOP application, the MTOP assessor is required to provide their assessment to the College within one week.Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be submitted to Particle Therapy Working Group for consideration. For more information, please contact Fotini Kekembanos, Program Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Rami Elzahaby, Manager, Faculties, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Expressions of Interest are being called for a Director of Training (DoT) / Clinical Supervisor (CS) Liaison to join Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee (ROETC).
The role of the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee is to develop and oversee the educational content, assessments and accreditation mechanisms that ensure trainees can become competent Radiation Oncologists. It also has responsibility for assessing the suitability of candidates for Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates). For further information please refer to the Terms of Reference.
The current incumbent will step down from this role at the end of 2024. This is a three-year co-opted role on ROETC with voting rights. The DoT and CS Liaison will provide specific insights from the DoT and CS perspective to all ROETC discussions.
Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025.
Expressions of interest are being called for radiation oncology trainees and any early career clinicians to present on an assigned topic at the Australia and New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG) online Preceptorship this year.
This year the Preceptorship focus is Targeting Molecular Pathways in Gynaecological Cancer. It will be co-Chaired by Prof Anna DeFazio AM and Dr George Au-Yeung.
The Preceptorship 2024 learning objectives are:
The successful applicant will be expected to prepare and present on an assigned topic at the preceptorship. As part of your presentation preparation, you will be supervised by a mentor.
The Preceptorship will be held virtually over the following days:
Radiation oncology trainees or any early career clinicians.
Should you wish to apply, please complete and return the application form by the application closing date of Monday 14 October 2024. There are limited spaces available.
The application form can be download from the ANZGOG website here:
We are seeking Fellows to join the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Quality Improvement Committee (QIC). This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in promoting a quality-centred approach of the Faculty by providing strategic and policy advice and conceptual models to ensure ongoing improvement in patient care. There are currently two positions, including one New Zealand representative, available for 3-year terms.
The objectives of the QIC are to:
Please view the Terms of Reference for further information
4 meetings (via videoconference with the possibility of 1 face to face meeting) annually for a 3-year term
Radiation Oncology Fellows
If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the QIC Secretariat May Lalehzari, Program Officer, Standards.
Please send a CV and complete the expression of interest form with a short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the working group to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 11 October 2024.
Expressions of interest are being called from members for the Learning Experiences and Outcomes Committee (LEO).
The LEO Committee is an advisory committee to the Radiation Oncology Education and Training Committee.
The LEO Committee has oversight of the development and maintenance of the Radiation Oncology Training Program Learning Outcomes, the development of teaching and learning experiences to assist radiation oncology trainees to achieve the learning outcomes and work-based assessments, to measure trainee progress against the learning outcomes, and the development of training framework for Directors of Training and clinical supervisors to improve learning and assessment experiences.
The successful applicant will be expected to:
For further information please view the LEO Terms of Reference.
Eligibility Criteria
LEO members may be re-elected to serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a curriculum vitae to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Applications close 30 September 2024 at 5 pm AEST. Applications will be reviewed by the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council.
For more information, please contact Autumn Saunders, Program Officer, Curriculum Development via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Expressions of interest are being sought for MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program) Assessors.
The Federal Government’s Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP) helps approved Australians who have a life-threatening medical condition access to life-saving medical treatment overseas where treatment is not available in Australia.
The College supports the Federal Government by providing medical advice when assessing applications which are funded under the MTOP Program.
The Role of an MTOP Assessor is to review and assess MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program) Applications as requested based on the following four criteria:
This opportunity is open to radiation oncology Fellows with the following attributes:
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Applications will be submitted to Particle Therapy Working Group for consideration.
For more information, please contact Fotini Kekembanos, Program Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Rami Elzahaby, Manager, Faculties, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Executive Member - Australian and New Zealand Emergency Radiology Group (ANZERG) OverviewExpression of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of ANZERG special interest group.ANZERG is a network of RANZCR members interested in emergency and trauma radiology, committed to supporting and enhancing the learning and skills of Fellows and registrars in this field. The group conducts educational activities at the RANZCR ASM and plans to establish standalone scientific meetings in the future. Operating under the auspices of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, ANZERG serves as an advisory body to the College on scientific, educational, and patient-centered operational issues related to Emergency and Trauma Radiology. Additionally, it collaborates with international bodies and societies on matters of common interest to advance the field.CommitmentThis is a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms.Face-to-face meetings or teleconferences twice per year or as required.Provide professional input with respect to issues on request by the College office.Provide advice to the relevant College bodies including Council and other committees and groups regarding ANZERG’s area of expertise.Provide assistance to the College’s ASM Management Committee (when requested) e.g. assist in identifying key speakers and developing sessions in relation to the ANZERG’s area of interest.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.CPD hours are available for attendance at SIG meetings and for the review of associated documents.These hours may be claimed in the Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice category under CPD activity type Other clinical governance. For further details please refer to the CPD Handbook.Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, together with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Monica Kurniawan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications close 5 pm on Friday, 11 April 2025 AEST.For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Expression of interest are invited from members to join the Executive of ANZERG special interest group.
ANZERG is a network of RANZCR members interested in emergency and trauma radiology, committed to supporting and enhancing the learning and skills of Fellows and registrars in this field. The group conducts educational activities at the RANZCR ASM and plans to establish standalone scientific meetings in the future. Operating under the auspices of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, ANZERG serves as an advisory body to the College on scientific, educational, and patient-centered operational issues related to Emergency and Trauma Radiology. Additionally, it collaborates with international bodies and societies on matters of common interest to advance the field.
Applications close 5 pm on Friday, 11 April 2025 AEST.
Members, Ultrasound Reference Group OverviewThe Ultrasound Reference Group functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to ultrasound in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in ultrasound.The aims of the Ultrasound Reference Group, which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to ultrasound.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to ultrasound.Work with the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to ultrasound.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to ultrasound may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to college members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding ultrasound.CommitmentThe commitment to this group includes reviewing or providing opinions on an average of five documents per year.The terms for group members will be three years, starting from the commencement date.CPD credits are available for attendance at Ultrasound meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
The Ultrasound Reference Group functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to ultrasound in Australia and New Zealand.
Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in ultrasound.
The aims of the Ultrasound Reference Group, which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:
If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
Members, Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) OverviewThe Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) functions as an expert advisory committee to provide advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology on emerging quality, safety and standards of practice issues related to the provision of breast imaging in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in breast imaging.The aims of the Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to breast imaging.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members and external enquiries on issues relating to breast imagingWork with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to breast imagingContribute to the development and review of position statements, providing expert input on key issues in breast imaging, and ensuring alignment with current practices and standards.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to breast imaging may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to College members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding breast imaging.CommitmentThe commitment to this committee involves attending one meeting per quarter, lasting approximately one hour, plus additional reading time.Committee members are also expected to spend an additional hour each month reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents and consultations.The term for committee members will be three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD hours are available for attendance at BIAC meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online. Expenses incurred for rare face-to-face meetings will be reimbursed as per the College’s reimbursement of expenses policy.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the BIAC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
The Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) functions as an expert advisory committee to provide advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology on emerging quality, safety and standards of practice issues related to the provision of breast imaging in Australia and New Zealand.
Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in breast imaging.
The aims of the Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:
If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the BIAC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
Members, Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) OverviewThe Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) is responsible for providing expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, College members, and external stakeholders on issues related to safety, quality, standards, and associated matters in clinical (diagnostic and interventional) radiology.An expression of interest is invited for Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with a keen interest in the areas of safety, quality, and standards of practice.The aims of the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Offer guidance to Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, and external stakeholders on safety, quality, and standards in clinical radiology practice.Contribute to the development and review of policies, position statements, and clinical practice guidelines or that influence best practice in clinical radiology and shape the profession's future.Support the College’s role in advocating for the viability and sustainability of the clinical radiology profession in Australia and New Zealand, providing evidence-based advice to governments, regulators, and healthcare organisations.Monitor and address emerging trends, new technologies, and evolving clinical practices in radiology to ensure the profession adapts to changing healthcare needs and maintains high standards.Collaborate with external bodies, including government agencies, professional organisations, and healthcare providers, to influence and inform policies and decisions affecting the clinical radiology profession.Commitment Members will aim to attend one face-to-face meeting and three teleconferences per year (approximately one hour each), along with additional reading and review time.Members are also expected to spend about one hour every fortnight reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents.The term is three years, starting from the date of commencement. Please see Terms of Reference for more information.CPD hours are available for attendance at SQSC meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the CollegeHow to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
The Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) is responsible for providing expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, College members, and external stakeholders on issues related to safety, quality, standards, and associated matters in clinical (diagnostic and interventional) radiology.
An expression of interest is invited for Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with a keen interest in the areas of safety, quality, and standards of practice.
The aims of the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:
If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
Consumer Representative, Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) OverviewThe Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) is responsible for providing expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, College members, and external stakeholders on issues related to safety, quality, standards, and associated matters in clinical (diagnostic and interventional) radiology.The Faculty of Clinical Radiology of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from members to apply for the position of Consumer Representative on the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC).Key responsibilities of the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Contribute to the development and review of policies, position statements, and clinical practice guidelines that influence best practices in clinical radiology.Offer guidance to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College committees, and external stakeholders on safety, quality, and standards in clinical radiology practice.Support the College’s advocacy for the viability and sustainability of the clinical radiology profession in Australia and New Zealand.Collaborate with external bodies, such as government agencies, professional organisations, and healthcare providers, to influence and inform policies and decisions affecting clinical radiology.Selection criteriaThe ideal candidate will demonstrate the following role-related experience and personal competencies:Role-related experience:Experience in advocating for the needs of consumers and the community.Ability to provide independent and consumer-focused perspectives on healthcare and medical organisations.Proven experience fostering collaboration between consumers, clinicians, and health professionals.Interest in promoting the study and advancement of knowledge in health, medicine, and clinical radiology.Interest in encouraging research in matters related to clinical radiology.CommitmentMembers will aim to attend one face-to-face meeting and three teleconferences per year (approximately one hour each), along with additional reading and review time.Members are also expected to spend about one hour every fortnight reviewing and providing feedback on professional documents.The term is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD credits are available for attendance at SQSC meetings.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
The Faculty of Clinical Radiology of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from members to apply for the position of Consumer Representative on the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC).
Key responsibilities of the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:
Selection criteria
The ideal candidate will demonstrate the following role-related experience and personal competencies:
Role-related experience:
Members, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Reference Group OverviewThe Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Reference Group is a group of clinical experts providing advice and guidance to the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) on MRI-related practice, emerging trends, and standards of care in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with a keen interest in MRI and a passion for advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.The aims of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reference Group (MRI RG), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Liaise with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to MRIProvide a forum for discussion and expert advice on MRI-related issues to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers.Collaborate with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology with a specific focus on MRI.Identify and recommend mechanisms to promote and implement MRI standards across the College membership and the broader health sector.Respond strategically to new and emerging areas of MRI practice based on College members’ interests and professional developments in the field.CommitmentMembers are required to attend one online meeting per quarter, lasting approximately one hour, in addition to committing time for reading and reviewing professional documents, consultations, and providing feedback.Members should expect to dedicate about one hour per month for ongoing review and input.The term of membership is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD credits are available for attendance at MRI reference group meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Computed Tomography (CT) Reference Group OverviewThe Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to computed tomography in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in computed tomography (CT).The aims of the Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT), which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to computed tomography.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to computed tomography.Work with the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to computed tomography.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to computed tomography may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to college members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding computed tomographyCommitmentThe commitment to this group includes reviewing or providing opinions on an average of five documents per year.The terms for group members will be three years, starting from the commencement date.CPD credits are available for attendance at CT Reference Group meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Members, Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) Reference Group OverviewThe Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to bone mineral densitometry in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in bone mineral densitometry (BMD) and a commitment to advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.The aims of the Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to BMD.Provide a forum for discussion and expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to BMD.Collaborate with the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology with a specific focus on BMD.Identify and recommend mechanisms to promote and implement BMD standards across the College membership and the broader health sector.Respond strategically to emerging areas of BMD practice based on College members’ interests and professional developments in the field.CommitmentMembers of the Bone Mineral Density Reference Group are expected to review or provide opinion on an average of five documents per year. This commitment will involve reviewing professional documents and providing feedback on consultations, as well as attending meetings as required.The term for committee members is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD hours are available for attendance at BMD Reference Group meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled. Member, Cardiac MRI Conjoint Committee OverviewCardiac MRI Specialists are invited to apply to represent RANZCR on the Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in CMRI (Conjoint Committee)• One Radiologist conjoint committee member (representing RANZCR)• The term of office for each Conjoint Committee member is three years and may be re-elected to serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms.The aim of the Conjoint Committee is to maintain the Position Statement on Initial Certification and Maintenance of Recognition in Cardiac MRI for training, assessment and quality assurance in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand, and to certify applicants seeking recognition in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand.Link to Cardiac MRI webpage: Certification in Cardiac MRI | RANZCREligibility• Member of RANZCR• Current accreditation as a CMRI Specialist• Minimum registration as a CMRI Specialist of five yearsCommitmentFour online meetings annually.Content commitmentThere are approximately 165 CMRI specialists currently registered who are required to submit their Maintenance of Recognition application on a 3-year cycle, in addition to applicants applying for initial registration. The applications are reviewed by one cardiologist, and one radiologist, therefore each quarter, applications are split into three batches to be reviewed by conjoint committee members. Any discrepancies are discussed at the quarterly meetings.Conjoint Committee MembersThree Cardiologists and three Radiologists.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a short statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with an executive summary CV (4 pages maximum) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applications close 14 March 2025. Members, Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee OverviewWe are seeking Fellows to join the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee. This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in imaging guidelines and CDS.The aim of the CDS Governance Committee is to provide advice to the SQSC and Faculty of Clinical Radiology around Clinical Decision Support, oversee the work of the imaging guidelines working group, ensuring processes are followed and content remains current, relevant and patient focused.Please view the Terms of Reference for further information.EligibilityClinical radiology FellowsCommitmentMeetings via videoconference as needed, length and frequency to be determined, currently set as four, one-hour meetings, no more than one face to face meeting per annum.How to applyIf you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the working group secretariat, Jessica Brown, Senior Project Officer, Digital Health.Please send an executive CV (two-page) and complete the expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the Committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1 April 2025. Branch Representatives, CRETC OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for three Branch representatives to join the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) for one year. (SA, TAS and WA from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025.)The role of the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) is:To develop the educational learning outcomes, learning experiences, work-based assessments, and examinations to ensure that that trainees become competent clinical radiologists.To accredit training sites to deliver these experiences.To assess suitability of candidates for admission into Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates).For further information please refer to the CRETC Terms of Reference.Branch representative is a new role on CRETC and is available to members of Branches which do not have a Branch Education Officer. The Branch Representative role is to ensure all branches have a voice at CRETC and act as conduit between CRETC and those involved in the local accredited training program.A suitable candidate for this role:Is involved in accredited training.Liaises regularly with the Network Training Directors (NTDs) regarding any significant training issues.Has a broad understanding of and experience with the delivery of College education activities.Acts as a conduit between the College, the trainees, the training departments, and the health authorities of the relevant jurisdictions and supports the accreditation process.Reports to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC).Eligibility criteriaA Fellow of RANZCR in SA, TAS and WA.Five years consultant experience in a clinical radiology department at an accredited training site.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. CommitmentFour meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings).Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council’s Appointment Committee at their next meeting following the EOI close date.If more than one candidate applies, the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council will review the applications and make a determination. Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025. Members, Musculoskeletal (MSK) Expert Advisory Group OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows in New Zealand with interest and experience in musculoskeletal radiology to join the MSK Expert Advisory Group to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).There are two vacant position available on the MSK group:Two member positions commencing 1 January 2025 and concluding 31 December 2027.The purpose of the MSK Group is to collaborate and strengthen an effective working relationship between ACC and RANZCR and allow discussion of strategic and operational matters involving musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging.The MSK Group reports to the New Zealand Branch Committee.For further information, please view the committee Terms of Reference. Eligibility CriteriaThis opportunity is open to New Zealand clinical radiology Fellows with an interest and/or experience in musculoskeletal radiology.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment The committee generally meets four times per year online with one face-to-face meeting and additional work as required for specific projects. How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications must be submitted by 5 pm NZST Thursday, 28 October 2024. Nominations will be considered by the NZ Branch Committee.For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Members, Diagnostic Economic Committee Overview Expressions of interest are being called to join the Diagnostic Economic Committee (DEC) for one (1) Fellow with experience and interest in contributing to the sustainability of clinical radiology, and the promotion of accessible and affordable healthcare for patients in Australia.The DEC supports Faculty Council in developing policies to inform and influence governments and other decision makers, including the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC), about the importance and sustainability of clinical radiology in Australia.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Specialty Clinical RadiologyEligibility Criteria Fellows holding directorships or senior executive roles in publicly listed radiology practices are not eligible for membership of this committee.CommitmentTypically 5 meetings per year by teleconference with additional work as required for specific projects.How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300 word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a 2 page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like further information on the role, please contact Purnima Rai, Policy Officer on +64 4472 6473. Applications close at 5pm Friday 28 February 2025. Please see the Terms of Reference of the Committee for more information. Members, New Zealand IMG Assessors OverviewAs per RANZCR’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) the International Medical Graduate (IMG) committee is responsible for the assessment of IMGs for equivalency to RANZCR trained clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists.Expressions of interest are invited from New Zealand Fellows in clinical radiology who have held FRANZCR for more than five (5) years to become IMG assessors as part of the NZ Vocational Education Advisory Board (VEAB). The VEAB is responsible for the assessment of IMGs to determine equivalency to RANZCR trained clinical radiologists.CommitmentCurrently assessments are conducted online, one afternoon (approximately three hours) per month.Eligibility CriteriaClinical Radiologists, at least five (5) years in a vocational scope of practice, preferably FRANZCR.How to apply An Expression of Interest form (EOI) should be accompanied by your CV and a short statement (no more than 250 words) outlining your interest and appropriateness for the committee. Enquiries and applications should be directed to Melanie Daniels via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. See the Position Description. Trainee Member, Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) The Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC) functions as an expert advisory committee to provide advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology on emerging quality, safety and standards of practice issues related to the provision of breast imaging in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from trainee members in clinical radiology with a keen interest in breast imaging. The aims of the Breast Imaging Advisory Committee (BIAC), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the SQSC, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members and external enquiries on issues relating to breast imagingWork with the SQSC to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to breast imagingIdentify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to breast imaging may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sectorRespond strategically to College members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding breast imagingLiaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to breast imaging.CommitmentThe commitment to this committee is for one hour’s meeting each quarter, plus reading time, with an additional hour or so each month for reviewing and commenting on professional documents and consultations. The committee member terms will be for three years.How to applyShould you wish to join BIAC, please complete and return the Expression of Interest Form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Traci James-Scott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applications are open until positions are filled. Clinical Image Reviewers - MQAP OverviewExpressions of interest are invited from Clinical Radiologists to join RANZCR’s Mammography Quality Assurance Program (MQAP) as a Clinical Image Reviewer to review submissions from sites joining and participating in the MQAP program.MQAP provides quality assurance assessment for mammography sites. Participation is open to private medical imaging practices, and medical imaging departments of public and private hospitals.EligibilityRadiologists with a subspecialty interest in mammography and who participate in the mammography component of the RANZCR CPD program.CommitmentClinical Image Reviewers will be requested to provide their availability for the year on commencing the position and subsequently on a yearly basis. They may be contacted throughout the year according to their availability to review MQAP submissions.Each MQAP review will take approximately (30 minutes) to undertake.Clinical Image Reviewers may continue working within the MQAP Program as long as their skills remain compliant with MQAP Program requirements.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word (maximum) statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with your curriculum vitae addressed to Leona MacKenzie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please contact Leona via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group (NMSIG) Overview The RANZCR Board establishes Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in areas of specific interest to the membership within clinical radiology and radiation oncology. Each SIG is a group of members who share an interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or clinical expertise, whose primary aim is to provide a platform for members to communicate and further this interest.The Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group (NMSIG) has been newly established to provide a forum within the Faculty of Clinical Radiology for interested members to form a bi-national group of clinical radiologists.We are seeking members to join a new Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group dealing with all aspects of nuclear medicine in radiology, whose key objectives have been identified as:Encourage and engage in advocacy activities for nuclear medicine in radiology practiceDiscuss key issues in nuclear medicine so RANZCR and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology are kept updated with significant national and international policies and practices that are influential to radiology patients in Australia and New ZealandAdvance professional expertise in nuclear medicine in radiology in Australia and New ZealandFoster inter-disciplinary relationships with key professional bodies in nuclear medicine in Australia and New Zealand.SpecialtyClinical RadiologyEligibilityThis opportunity is open to RANZCR members in Australia and New Zealand.CommitmentMeetings via videoconference as needed (currently scheduled for two per annum) with either an in person or hybrid/online meeting at the ASM.How to applyIf you are interested in joining this special interest group, please submit your EOI to Traci James-Scott, Program Officer, Standards Units at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Members, Interventional Radiology Committee OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows to join the Interventional Radiology Committee (IRC).The IRC is a standing committee that provides the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council with advice and information on educational, professional and practice issues for all aspects of interventional radiology (IR) and interventional neuroradiology (INR). The Committee assists in the promotion of IR and INR as radiological specialties and ensures that clinical radiologists are supported to provide best-practice interventional care to patients delivered in an evidence-based, quality and sustainable way. Please see the Terms of Reference for further information. Eligibility criteriaWe are seeking the following RANZCR members to join the committee:One clinical radiologist who routinely performs basic interventional procedures (formerly Tier A)One New Zealand clinical radiologist who routinely performs interventional neuroradiology procedures (co-opted position).CommitmentOne face-to-face meeting and currently up to eight videoconferences per year, along with out of hours work reviewing documents, providing expert advice and other projects. This is a three-year term.How to applyPlease complete and return the FCR expression of interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..For further information please contact the IRC Secretariat, Vanessa Banda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Applications will close once positions are filled. Training and Exams Members, Clinical Radiology Radiology MCQ Examination Review Panel OverviewThe Clinical Radiology Radiology MCQ Examination Review Panel (CRRERP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, and reviewing of the Phase 2 Radiology MCQ written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the CRRERP for 2025.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the Radiology MCQ examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and standard set the examinations outside the above meeting times.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREAC.Eligibility CriteriaEssential attributes:A Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalentMust currently be a practicing sub-specialist / special interest in their fieldAvailable for travel for face-to-face meetingsKnowledgeable of curriculum and assessment processesAn active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirementsDesirable attributes:Interest and/or expertise in examination mattersActively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologistsUnderstanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operatesA skilled evaluator and good communicatorThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the CRRERP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description.
The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Reference Group is a group of clinical experts providing advice and guidance to the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC) and the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) on MRI-related practice, emerging trends, and standards of care in Australia and New Zealand.
Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with a keen interest in MRI and a passion for advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.
The aims of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reference Group (MRI RG), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee (SQSC), are to:
Members, Computed Tomography (CT) Reference Group OverviewThe Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to computed tomography in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in computed tomography (CT).The aims of the Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT), which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to computed tomography.Provide a forum for discussion and provision of advice to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee, Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to computed tomography.Work with the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and associated practice guidelines, with specific regard to computed tomography.Identify and recommend mechanisms by which standards relating to computed tomography may be promoted and implemented through the College membership and the health sector.Respond strategically to college members' interest in and identification of new and emerging areas of imaging practice regarding computed tomographyCommitmentThe commitment to this group includes reviewing or providing opinions on an average of five documents per year.The terms for group members will be three years, starting from the commencement date.CPD credits are available for attendance at CT Reference Group meetings.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
The Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to computed tomography in Australia and New Zealand.
Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in computed tomography (CT).
The aims of the Computed Tomography Reference Group (CT), which reports to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council and its Standing Committees, are to:
Members, Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) Reference Group OverviewThe Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to bone mineral densitometry in Australia and New Zealand.Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in bone mineral densitometry (BMD) and a commitment to advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.The aims of the Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:Liaise and provide advice on representation with other professional bodies and relevant agencies as required in relation to BMD.Provide a forum for discussion and expert advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, College members, and external enquirers on issues relating to BMD.Collaborate with the Safety, Quality, and Standards Committee to develop and regularly review the Standards of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology with a specific focus on BMD.Identify and recommend mechanisms to promote and implement BMD standards across the College membership and the broader health sector.Respond strategically to emerging areas of BMD practice based on College members’ interests and professional developments in the field.CommitmentMembers of the Bone Mineral Density Reference Group are expected to review or provide opinion on an average of five documents per year. This commitment will involve reviewing professional documents and providing feedback on consultations, as well as attending meetings as required.The term for committee members is three years, starting from the date of commencement.CPD hours are available for attendance at BMD Reference Group meetings and for the review of associated documents. These hours may be claimed under the categories of "Reviewing Performance and Reflecting on Practice" and "Other Clinical Governance Activities." For further details, please refer to the CPD Handbook. Members are required to maintain a simple log of their CPD hours of involvement.Meetings will primarily be conducted online, with any rare face-to-face meetings being remunerated by the College.How to applyThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the SQSC Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a CV and complete the Expression of Interest form with short statement (no more than 300-words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be open until the position is filled.
The Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD) functions as an expert advisory group to provide advice to the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR) and its committees on emerging quality, safety, and standards of practice issues related to bone mineral densitometry in Australia and New Zealand.
Expressions of interest are invited from Fellows in clinical radiology with a keen interest in bone mineral densitometry (BMD) and a commitment to advancing quality, safety, and standards in this field.
The aims of the Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Group (BMD), which reports directly to the Safety, Quality and Standards Committee (SQSC) are to:
Member, Cardiac MRI Conjoint Committee OverviewCardiac MRI Specialists are invited to apply to represent RANZCR on the Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in CMRI (Conjoint Committee)• One Radiologist conjoint committee member (representing RANZCR)• The term of office for each Conjoint Committee member is three years and may be re-elected to serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms.The aim of the Conjoint Committee is to maintain the Position Statement on Initial Certification and Maintenance of Recognition in Cardiac MRI for training, assessment and quality assurance in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand, and to certify applicants seeking recognition in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand.Link to Cardiac MRI webpage: Certification in Cardiac MRI | RANZCREligibility• Member of RANZCR• Current accreditation as a CMRI Specialist• Minimum registration as a CMRI Specialist of five yearsCommitmentFour online meetings annually.Content commitmentThere are approximately 165 CMRI specialists currently registered who are required to submit their Maintenance of Recognition application on a 3-year cycle, in addition to applicants applying for initial registration. The applications are reviewed by one cardiologist, and one radiologist, therefore each quarter, applications are split into three batches to be reviewed by conjoint committee members. Any discrepancies are discussed at the quarterly meetings.Conjoint Committee MembersThree Cardiologists and three Radiologists.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a short statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with an executive summary CV (4 pages maximum) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applications close 14 March 2025. Members, Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee OverviewWe are seeking Fellows to join the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee. This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in imaging guidelines and CDS.The aim of the CDS Governance Committee is to provide advice to the SQSC and Faculty of Clinical Radiology around Clinical Decision Support, oversee the work of the imaging guidelines working group, ensuring processes are followed and content remains current, relevant and patient focused.Please view the Terms of Reference for further information.EligibilityClinical radiology FellowsCommitmentMeetings via videoconference as needed, length and frequency to be determined, currently set as four, one-hour meetings, no more than one face to face meeting per annum.How to applyIf you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the working group secretariat, Jessica Brown, Senior Project Officer, Digital Health.Please send an executive CV (two-page) and complete the expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the Committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1 April 2025. Branch Representatives, CRETC OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for three Branch representatives to join the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) for one year. (SA, TAS and WA from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025.)The role of the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) is:To develop the educational learning outcomes, learning experiences, work-based assessments, and examinations to ensure that that trainees become competent clinical radiologists.To accredit training sites to deliver these experiences.To assess suitability of candidates for admission into Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates).For further information please refer to the CRETC Terms of Reference.Branch representative is a new role on CRETC and is available to members of Branches which do not have a Branch Education Officer. The Branch Representative role is to ensure all branches have a voice at CRETC and act as conduit between CRETC and those involved in the local accredited training program.A suitable candidate for this role:Is involved in accredited training.Liaises regularly with the Network Training Directors (NTDs) regarding any significant training issues.Has a broad understanding of and experience with the delivery of College education activities.Acts as a conduit between the College, the trainees, the training departments, and the health authorities of the relevant jurisdictions and supports the accreditation process.Reports to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC).Eligibility criteriaA Fellow of RANZCR in SA, TAS and WA.Five years consultant experience in a clinical radiology department at an accredited training site.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. CommitmentFour meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings).Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council’s Appointment Committee at their next meeting following the EOI close date.If more than one candidate applies, the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council will review the applications and make a determination. Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025. Members, Musculoskeletal (MSK) Expert Advisory Group OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows in New Zealand with interest and experience in musculoskeletal radiology to join the MSK Expert Advisory Group to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).There are two vacant position available on the MSK group:Two member positions commencing 1 January 2025 and concluding 31 December 2027.The purpose of the MSK Group is to collaborate and strengthen an effective working relationship between ACC and RANZCR and allow discussion of strategic and operational matters involving musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging.The MSK Group reports to the New Zealand Branch Committee.For further information, please view the committee Terms of Reference. Eligibility CriteriaThis opportunity is open to New Zealand clinical radiology Fellows with an interest and/or experience in musculoskeletal radiology.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment The committee generally meets four times per year online with one face-to-face meeting and additional work as required for specific projects. How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications must be submitted by 5 pm NZST Thursday, 28 October 2024. Nominations will be considered by the NZ Branch Committee.For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Members, Diagnostic Economic Committee Overview Expressions of interest are being called to join the Diagnostic Economic Committee (DEC) for one (1) Fellow with experience and interest in contributing to the sustainability of clinical radiology, and the promotion of accessible and affordable healthcare for patients in Australia.The DEC supports Faculty Council in developing policies to inform and influence governments and other decision makers, including the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC), about the importance and sustainability of clinical radiology in Australia.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Specialty Clinical RadiologyEligibility Criteria Fellows holding directorships or senior executive roles in publicly listed radiology practices are not eligible for membership of this committee.CommitmentTypically 5 meetings per year by teleconference with additional work as required for specific projects.How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300 word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a 2 page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like further information on the role, please contact Purnima Rai, Policy Officer on +64 4472 6473. Applications close at 5pm Friday 28 February 2025. Please see the Terms of Reference of the Committee for more information.
Cardiac MRI Specialists are invited to apply to represent RANZCR on the Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in CMRI (Conjoint Committee)
• One Radiologist conjoint committee member (representing RANZCR)• The term of office for each Conjoint Committee member is three years and may be re-elected to serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
The aim of the Conjoint Committee is to maintain the Position Statement on Initial Certification and Maintenance of Recognition in Cardiac MRI for training, assessment and quality assurance in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand, and to certify applicants seeking recognition in Cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand.
Link to Cardiac MRI webpage: Certification in Cardiac MRI | RANZCR
• Member of RANZCR• Current accreditation as a CMRI Specialist• Minimum registration as a CMRI Specialist of five years
Four online meetings annually.
Content commitmentThere are approximately 165 CMRI specialists currently registered who are required to submit their Maintenance of Recognition application on a 3-year cycle, in addition to applicants applying for initial registration. The applications are reviewed by one cardiologist, and one radiologist, therefore each quarter, applications are split into three batches to be reviewed by conjoint committee members. Any discrepancies are discussed at the quarterly meetings.
Conjoint Committee MembersThree Cardiologists and three Radiologists.
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a short statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with an executive summary CV (4 pages maximum) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applications close 14 March 2025.
Members, Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee OverviewWe are seeking Fellows to join the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee. This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in imaging guidelines and CDS.The aim of the CDS Governance Committee is to provide advice to the SQSC and Faculty of Clinical Radiology around Clinical Decision Support, oversee the work of the imaging guidelines working group, ensuring processes are followed and content remains current, relevant and patient focused.Please view the Terms of Reference for further information.EligibilityClinical radiology FellowsCommitmentMeetings via videoconference as needed, length and frequency to be determined, currently set as four, one-hour meetings, no more than one face to face meeting per annum.How to applyIf you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the working group secretariat, Jessica Brown, Senior Project Officer, Digital Health.Please send an executive CV (two-page) and complete the expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the Committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1 April 2025. Branch Representatives, CRETC OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for three Branch representatives to join the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) for one year. (SA, TAS and WA from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025.)The role of the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) is:To develop the educational learning outcomes, learning experiences, work-based assessments, and examinations to ensure that that trainees become competent clinical radiologists.To accredit training sites to deliver these experiences.To assess suitability of candidates for admission into Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates).For further information please refer to the CRETC Terms of Reference.Branch representative is a new role on CRETC and is available to members of Branches which do not have a Branch Education Officer. The Branch Representative role is to ensure all branches have a voice at CRETC and act as conduit between CRETC and those involved in the local accredited training program.A suitable candidate for this role:Is involved in accredited training.Liaises regularly with the Network Training Directors (NTDs) regarding any significant training issues.Has a broad understanding of and experience with the delivery of College education activities.Acts as a conduit between the College, the trainees, the training departments, and the health authorities of the relevant jurisdictions and supports the accreditation process.Reports to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC).Eligibility criteriaA Fellow of RANZCR in SA, TAS and WA.Five years consultant experience in a clinical radiology department at an accredited training site.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. CommitmentFour meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings).Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council’s Appointment Committee at their next meeting following the EOI close date.If more than one candidate applies, the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council will review the applications and make a determination. Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025. Members, Musculoskeletal (MSK) Expert Advisory Group OverviewExpressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows in New Zealand with interest and experience in musculoskeletal radiology to join the MSK Expert Advisory Group to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).There are two vacant position available on the MSK group:Two member positions commencing 1 January 2025 and concluding 31 December 2027.The purpose of the MSK Group is to collaborate and strengthen an effective working relationship between ACC and RANZCR and allow discussion of strategic and operational matters involving musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging.The MSK Group reports to the New Zealand Branch Committee.For further information, please view the committee Terms of Reference. Eligibility CriteriaThis opportunity is open to New Zealand clinical radiology Fellows with an interest and/or experience in musculoskeletal radiology.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.Commitment The committee generally meets four times per year online with one face-to-face meeting and additional work as required for specific projects. How to apply Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applications must be submitted by 5 pm NZST Thursday, 28 October 2024. Nominations will be considered by the NZ Branch Committee.For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are seeking Fellows to join the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Governance Committee. This is an exciting opportunity for members who are interested in imaging guidelines and CDS.
The aim of the CDS Governance Committee is to provide advice to the SQSC and Faculty of Clinical Radiology around Clinical Decision Support, oversee the work of the imaging guidelines working group, ensuring processes are followed and content remains current, relevant and patient focused.
Please view the Terms of Reference for further information.
Clinical radiology Fellows
Meetings via videoconference as needed, length and frequency to be determined, currently set as four, one-hour meetings, no more than one face to face meeting per annum.
If you are interested in being involved, please feel free to discuss with the working group secretariat, Jessica Brown, Senior Project Officer, Digital Health.
Please send an executive CV (two-page) and complete the expression of interest form with short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining the reasons you’d like to be involved and the skills you might bring to the Committee to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1 April 2025.
Branch Representatives, CRETC OverviewExpressions of Interest are being called for three Branch representatives to join the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) for one year. (SA, TAS and WA from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025.)The role of the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) is:To develop the educational learning outcomes, learning experiences, work-based assessments, and examinations to ensure that that trainees become competent clinical radiologists.To accredit training sites to deliver these experiences.To assess suitability of candidates for admission into Fellowship (including International Medical Graduates).For further information please refer to the CRETC Terms of Reference.Branch representative is a new role on CRETC and is available to members of Branches which do not have a Branch Education Officer. The Branch Representative role is to ensure all branches have a voice at CRETC and act as conduit between CRETC and those involved in the local accredited training program.A suitable candidate for this role:Is involved in accredited training.Liaises regularly with the Network Training Directors (NTDs) regarding any significant training issues.Has a broad understanding of and experience with the delivery of College education activities.Acts as a conduit between the College, the trainees, the training departments, and the health authorities of the relevant jurisdictions and supports the accreditation process.Reports to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC).Eligibility criteriaA Fellow of RANZCR in SA, TAS and WA.Five years consultant experience in a clinical radiology department at an accredited training site.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. CommitmentFour meetings per year (two via teleconference and two in-person meetings).Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.How to applyPlease complete and submit a 300-word Expression of Interest form, outlining your interest in and credentials for the position along with your current CV. Please submit your application or any inquiry by email to Ms Josephine Kwan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Applicants will be considered by the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council’s Appointment Committee at their next meeting following the EOI close date.If more than one candidate applies, the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council will review the applications and make a determination. Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025.
Expressions of Interest are being called for three Branch representatives to join the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) for one year. (SA, TAS and WA from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025.)
The role of the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) is:
For further information please refer to the CRETC Terms of Reference.
Branch representative is a new role on CRETC and is available to members of Branches which do not have a Branch Education Officer. The Branch Representative role is to ensure all branches have a voice at CRETC and act as conduit between CRETC and those involved in the local accredited training program.
A suitable candidate for this role:
Applicants will be considered by the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council’s Appointment Committee at their next meeting following the EOI close date.
If more than one candidate applies, the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council will review the applications and make a determination. Applications close by 4 pm AEDT, Friday 24 January 2025.
Expressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows in New Zealand with interest and experience in musculoskeletal radiology to join the MSK Expert Advisory Group to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).
There are two vacant position available on the MSK group:
The purpose of the MSK Group is to collaborate and strengthen an effective working relationship between ACC and RANZCR and allow discussion of strategic and operational matters involving musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging.
The MSK Group reports to the New Zealand Branch Committee.
For further information, please view the committee Terms of Reference. Eligibility Criteria
This opportunity is open to New Zealand clinical radiology Fellows with an interest and/or experience in musculoskeletal radiology.
The committee generally meets four times per year online with one face-to-face meeting and additional work as required for specific projects.
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applications must be submitted by 5 pm NZST Thursday, 28 October 2024. Nominations will be considered by the NZ Branch Committee.
For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Expressions of interest are being called to join the Diagnostic Economic Committee (DEC) for one (1) Fellow with experience and interest in contributing to the sustainability of clinical radiology, and the promotion of accessible and affordable healthcare for patients in Australia.
The DEC supports Faculty Council in developing policies to inform and influence governments and other decision makers, including the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC), about the importance and sustainability of clinical radiology in Australia.
Clinical Radiology
Fellows holding directorships or senior executive roles in publicly listed radiology practices are not eligible for membership of this committee.
Typically 5 meetings per year by teleconference with additional work as required for specific projects.
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300 word statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, along with a 2 page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like further information on the role, please contact Purnima Rai, Policy Officer on +64 4472 6473. Applications close at 5pm Friday 28 February 2025. Please see the Terms of Reference of the Committee for more information.
As per RANZCR’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) the International Medical Graduate (IMG) committee is responsible for the assessment of IMGs for equivalency to RANZCR trained clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists.
Expressions of interest are invited from New Zealand Fellows in clinical radiology who have held FRANZCR for more than five (5) years to become IMG assessors as part of the NZ Vocational Education Advisory Board (VEAB). The VEAB is responsible for the assessment of IMGs to determine equivalency to RANZCR trained clinical radiologists.
Currently assessments are conducted online, one afternoon (approximately three hours) per month.
Clinical Radiologists, at least five (5) years in a vocational scope of practice, preferably FRANZCR.
An Expression of Interest form (EOI) should be accompanied by your CV and a short statement (no more than 250 words) outlining your interest and appropriateness for the committee. Enquiries and applications should be directed to Melanie Daniels via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. See the Position Description.
Expressions of interest are invited from trainee members in clinical radiology with a keen interest in breast imaging.
The commitment to this committee is for one hour’s meeting each quarter, plus reading time, with an additional hour or so each month for reviewing and commenting on professional documents and consultations. The committee member terms will be for three years.
Should you wish to join BIAC, please complete and return the Expression of Interest Form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV addressed to Traci James-Scott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applications are open until positions are filled.
Expressions of interest are invited from Clinical Radiologists to join RANZCR’s Mammography Quality Assurance Program (MQAP) as a Clinical Image Reviewer to review submissions from sites joining and participating in the MQAP program.
MQAP provides quality assurance assessment for mammography sites. Participation is open to private medical imaging practices, and medical imaging departments of public and private hospitals.
Radiologists with a subspecialty interest in mammography and who participate in the mammography component of the RANZCR CPD program.
Clinical Image Reviewers will be requested to provide their availability for the year on commencing the position and subsequently on a yearly basis. They may be contacted throughout the year according to their availability to review MQAP submissions.
Each MQAP review will take approximately (30 minutes) to undertake.
Clinical Image Reviewers may continue working within the MQAP Program as long as their skills remain compliant with MQAP Program requirements.
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 300-word (maximum) statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with your curriculum vitae addressed to Leona MacKenzie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For more information, please contact Leona via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The RANZCR Board establishes Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in areas of specific interest to the membership within clinical radiology and radiation oncology. Each SIG is a group of members who share an interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or clinical expertise, whose primary aim is to provide a platform for members to communicate and further this interest.
The Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group (NMSIG) has been newly established to provide a forum within the Faculty of Clinical Radiology for interested members to form a bi-national group of clinical radiologists.
We are seeking members to join a new Nuclear Medicine Special Interest Group dealing with all aspects of nuclear medicine in radiology, whose key objectives have been identified as:
This opportunity is open to RANZCR members in Australia and New Zealand.
Meetings via videoconference as needed (currently scheduled for two per annum) with either an in person or hybrid/online meeting at the ASM.
If you are interested in joining this special interest group, please submit your EOI to Traci James-Scott, Program Officer, Standards Units at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Expressions of interest are being called for clinical radiology Fellows to join the Interventional Radiology Committee (IRC).
The IRC is a standing committee that provides the Faculty of Clinical Radiology Council with advice and information on educational, professional and practice issues for all aspects of interventional radiology (IR) and interventional neuroradiology (INR). The Committee assists in the promotion of IR and INR as radiological specialties and ensures that clinical radiologists are supported to provide best-practice interventional care to patients delivered in an evidence-based, quality and sustainable way. Please see the Terms of Reference for further information.
We are seeking the following RANZCR members to join the committee:
One face-to-face meeting and currently up to eight videoconferences per year, along with out of hours work reviewing documents, providing expert advice and other projects. This is a three-year term.
Please complete and return the FCR expression of interest form with a 300-word statement outlining your interest and credentials for the position, along with a two-page executive summary CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For further information please contact the IRC Secretariat, Vanessa Banda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Applications will close once positions are filled.
The Clinical Radiology Radiology MCQ Examination Review Panel (CRRERP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, and reviewing of the Phase 2 Radiology MCQ written examinations.
Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.
There are three vacant positions on the CRRERP for 2025.
The Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the Radiology MCQ examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and standard set the examinations outside the above meeting times.
Length of Tenure
Panel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREAC.
Essential attributes:
Desirable attributes:
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the CRRERP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description.
Members, Clinical Radiology Case Reporting Examination Review Panel OverviewThe Clinical Radiology Case Reporting Examination Review Panel (CRCRRP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, reviewing, and marking of the Phase 2 Case Reporting written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the CRCRRP for 2025.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the Case Reporting examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and mark and standard set the examinations outside the above meetings.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREAC.Eligibility CriteriaEssential attributes:A Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalentMust currently be a practicing sub-specialist / special interest in their fieldAvailable for travel for face-to-face meetingsKnowledgeable of curriculum and assessment processesAn active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirementsDesirable attributes:Interest and/or expertise in examination mattersActively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologistsUnderstanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operatesA skilled evaluator and good communicatorThe College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the CRCRRP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description.
The Clinical Radiology Case Reporting Examination Review Panel (CRCRRP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, reviewing, and marking of the Phase 2 Case Reporting written examinations.
There are three vacant positions on the CRCRRP for 2025.
The Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the Case Reporting examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and mark and standard set the examinations outside the above meetings.
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the CRCRRP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description.
Member, Applied Imaging Technology Examination Review Panel (AITERP) OverviewThe Applied Imaging Technology Examination Review Panel (AITERP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, reviewing, and marking of the Phase 1 Applied Imaging Technology (AIT) written examinations.Members are expected to participate actively and initially will be required to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.There are three vacant positions on the AITERP for 2025. All vacancies are for radiologist members of the panel.CommitmentThe Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the AIT examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and mark the examinations outside the above meetings.Length of TenurePanel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREACEligibility CriteriaEssential attributesA Fellow or Life member of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology with at least three years post-FRANZCR or equivalent.In exceptional circumstances, Faculty Council may co-opt a member with specific skills and experience.A skilled evaluator and good communicator.Demonstrate current clinical experience in the relevant curriculum.A practicing sub-specialist/special interest in their field.Knowledgeable of curriculum, learning outcomes and assessment processes.Interest and/or expertise in examination matters.Actively involved in teaching and training of clinical radiologists.Available for travel for face-to-face meetings.An active participant in their College’s CPD program and meets or exceeds minimal requirements.Understanding of the medical, educational, operational, regulatory and political environment in which the College operates.The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.How to applyPlease complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the AITERP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description.
The Applied Imaging Technology Examination Review Panel (AITERP) is a sub-committee of the Clinical Radiology Examination Advisory Committee (CREAC) reporting to the Clinical Radiology Education and Training Committee (CRETC) and is responsible for the development, setting, reviewing, and marking of the Phase 1 Applied Imaging Technology (AIT) written examinations.
There are three vacant positions on the AITERP for 2025. All vacancies are for radiologist members of the panel.
The Review Panel will generally meet up to three times per year, to set, edit and review the AIT examinations. One meeting is held face-to-face per year, the remaining meetings are held by webinar. Additional webinars may be called to provide advice as requested or address matters arising in relation to examinations. Panel members will also be required to develop content for the examinations and mark the examinations outside the above meetings.
Panel members are appointed for a three-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Thereafter they shall not be eligible to serve as a member until two years have elapsed since the expiration. A Panel member’s tenure may exceed three consecutive terms at the joint discretion of the Panel Chair and Chair of CREAC
Essential attributes
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a written statement (maximum 300 words) outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the AITERP, c/o Brigid McAuliffe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please review the position description.
The CROERP, a panel of the Clinical Radiology Education Advisory Committee (CREAC), is responsible for setting, reviewing and development of the Phase 2 Clinical Radiology OSCER examination.
Members are expected to participate actively and be prepared to attend additional workshops or training in the areas of examination standard setting, blueprinting, question development and examination development.
There is currently one lead position available in the body system below.
Typically, two (2) face-to-face meetings and two (2) online meetings per year, attendance at the OSCER examinations (held twice per year) and additional time required for development of exam content and marking.
Desirable attributes
Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form with a 200-word statement outlining your interest in the panel and credentials for the position, along with your professional CV to the Clinical Radiology Chief Censor, c/o Ellen Dunphy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For more information, please review the position description.