The parent bodies of the Conjoint Committee for Certification for Certification in Cardiac MRI, RANZCR and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) have approved the Position Statement on Initial Certification and Maintenance of Recognition for Cardiac MRI. The position statement focuses on optimal health outcomes and best practice while reflecting on the complexities of two different medical specialties and the need for robust yet practical training and ongoing competency requirements. The Conjoint Committee membership consists of equal representation from RANZCR and CSANZ who are recognised experts in the field. The Secretariat and administration for this Committee is impartially supported by RANZCR.
The Conjoint Committee invites suitably qualified providers of cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand to apply for certification in cardiac MRI via the Initial Pathway: applicants are recommended to formulate their application, with reference to:
Position Statement on Initial Certification and Maintenance of Recognition for Cardiac MRI
Please allow 6 weeks from these dates for processing of Cardiac MRI Initial and Recertification applications.
Cardiac MRI Initial Application Form
Cardiac MRI Initial Application Logbook
Note: Logbooks which contain identifiable patient information will not be accepted. Where applicants submit logbooks which contain identifiable patient information these will be immediately deleted, and the applicant is responsible to resubmit with de-identified information.
Registered specialists who are reaching the end of their three year certification cycle, please use the Maintenance of Recognition Application Form.
Cardiac MRI Maintenance of Recognition Application Form
Cardiac MRI Maintenance of Recognition Logbook
This is the Logbook that can be optionally used for Maintenance of Recognition Applications, or alternatively the Committee will accept an exported list or spreadsheet from your PACS as a record of the number of reported live cases (with names redacted), noting sufficient case mix in accordance with the Position Statement on Certification in Cardiac MRI.
All applications for certification in cardiac MRI and any queries should be emailed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The following practitioners have satisfied the requirements of the Conjoint Committee for Certification in Cardiac MRI for inclusion on the register of providers in cardiac MRI in Australia and New Zealand.
Register of Cardiac MRI Specialists
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) (
Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (