The Specialist Training Program (STP) aims to improve the quality of the future specialist workforce and have a positive influence on future workforce distribution by providing specialty registrars (trainees) with exposure to a broader range of healthcare settings. These include settings located outside of traditional metropolitan teaching hospitals, such as the private sector, community health, Aboriginal medical services and in rural, regional and remote areas of Australia.
The intended outcomes and objectives of the STP are:
The STP commenced in 2010 and is delivered through 13 specialist medical colleges under Standard Grant Agreements held with the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. There are now around 950 training places funded through the Program across all colleges.
RANZCR receives a set allocation of funding for posts from the Department of Health and Aged Care and currently has 50 posts implemented across Australia in clinical radiology and radiation oncology. Salary contribution is available for all participating sites under the Specialist Training Placements and Support (STPS) funding stream. Sites located in regional and private settings can also apply to the College for additional support loadings.
Training posts are allocated through a Reserve List Process, which is administered by the Department of Health and Aged Care in conjunction with each state jurisdiction and colleges. Successful sites remain on the respective colleges’ reserve lists until posts can be formally implemented. RANZCR posts must have network support to be accredited for training and vacant positions available under the Grant Agreement to progress.
Further to establishing specialist training posts, the Program also provides funding for a range of support activities, including developing system-wide education and infrastructure projects to enhance training opportunities for eligible trainees.
In 2015, the Department announced that at a cost of $93.8 million over four years, additional contributions to build a sustainable Australia-trained future medical workforce for regional, rural and remote communities would be introduced through an STP - Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP).
RANZCR receives a set allocation of posts to fill and currently has five posts implemented under this model.
STP - IRTP has different eligibility criteria to the STPS model, including:
Similar to the STPS stream, training posts are allocated through the Reserve List Process, which are typically administered annually by the Department of Health and Aged Care.
The Training More Specialist Doctors in Tasmania measure (Tasmanian Project) provides funding to increase the number of doctors to become specialists in Tasmania. The Tasmanian Project aims to support approved specialty training to be undertaken and completed in Tasmania and support the training and retention of specialist doctors in the Tasmanian health system.
RANZCR receives salary support funding for two FTE trainee positions and one 0.5 FTE supervisory position.
STP Funding Info Sheet 2023
View STP Operational Framework
To find out more about the Program and funding opportunities through RANZCR, please contact the STP team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website for further information.