The RANZCR CPD program

The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) requires all practitioners in Australia to provide a yearly declaration of CPD completion for continued registration. The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) requires all those with vocational registration in New Zealand meet the requirements of an approved CPD program, which includes recertification, to receive an annual practising certificate. These CPD requirements are governed by the MBA and MCNZ, not RANZCR. The CPD program is an annual cycle from 1 January to 31 December.

RANZCR is an accredited CPD Home that provides resources and support for radiation oncologists, clinical radiologists and associated practitioners that aligns with the MBA CPD registration standard and the MCNZ recertification requirements. CPD Home provides the tools needed to track and record evidence of continuous professional development via the RANZCR ePortfolio, where CPD hours can be logged, compliance to date checked and certificate of completion can be downloaded (e.g. confirming CPD participation).

The ePortfolio is mobile friendly and interactive, supported with online guides, occasional webinars, telephone and email support from the dedicated CPD team.

CPD Program Requirements for 2025

The MBA and MCNZ have introduced new requirements for 2025, including new categories and additional activities. The CPD program must therefore contain:

  • A total of 50 hours spread across three domains.

CPD Hours

  • A Professional Development Plan (PDP)
    PDP is a structured tool that helps clinical professionals set and achieve their career goals through reflection, planning, and ongoing evaluation and must be and uploaded as part of the CPD process. Some employers require healthcare practitioners to complete a PDP as part of their employment.

Therefore, practitioners can:

  • Complete the PDP template in the CPD ePortfolio or
  • Upload a copy of the employer-required PDP to the CPD ePortfolio.

  • Anaphylaxis Training (Clinical Radiologists only)
    Those participating in the clinical radiology CPD program need to complete anaphylaxis training once every 3 years. The College does not mandate a specific course or module. A course can be completed in person or online or may already be included in an employer’s Life Support or CPR training. Those required to record completion of this training should complete the Anaphylaxis Training form in the CPD ePortfolio.

Alternatively, the College offers Anaphylaxis training at the RANZCR Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), which is generally held each October.

Additional CPD requirements for New Zealand

In addition to the CPD requirements detailed above, The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) requires that all New Zealand Fellows, Educational Affiliates, IMGs and CPD Participants meet the requirements of an approved CPD program, which includes recertification, to receive an annual practising certificate. The additional annual requirements of the MCNZ are:

  • Annual Conversation
    A structured annual conversation with a peer, colleague or employer. A self-declaration that the conversation has been completed should be uploaded to CPD Home via the ePortfolio Annual Conversation form.
  • Cultural Safety
    Cultural safety and a focus on health equity must be embedded within CPD activities.

Program Level Requirements - PACE

It is mandatory that a CPD program include activities that facilitate professional development across the breadth of medical practice – referred to as program level requirements. These activities provide opportunities for reflection on attitudes and personal biases, professionalism and ethical practice that may have an impact on patient care. To meet program-level requirements, an activity should completed in each of the 4 areas per year:

PACE table

Please refer to the How to add Program Level Requirements to your CPD on how to record these as part of your annual CPD requirements. Further information can also be found below under the heading 'Program-level CPD Requirements – cultural competency, health inequity, professionalism and ethical practice'.

2024 Certificates of Completion

2024 Certificates of Completion are available for download from the Reports tab of the ePortfolio. Please refer to the instructions - 2024 How to Download a CPD Certificate of Completion.

RANZCR CPD Home Resources