20 April 2020
Delivery of care in clinical radiology requires close personal contact with patients who may be suspected or known cases of COVID-19 receiving care related to COVID-19 or related to other disease(s). Furthermore, delivery of care in clinical radiology in both hospital and community settings also involves patients attending health services for a period of time, which increases their risk of potential exposure to infection.
As our health systems are impacted by COVID-19, it is crucial that radiology services in both public and private settings, are prioritised according to clinical need to ensure that patients requiring urgent imaging procedures (<24 hours) are seen promptly. Where local circumstances require, the prioritisation of those patients whose imaging cannot be deferred will significantly reduce the need for patients to be in hospital or private practice, protect health care workers from potential COVID-19 infection and conserve health resources, particularly PPE. Procedures that cannot be postponed include but are not limited to procedures to save life and limb or prevent permanent disability.
Read position statement