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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Financial Report 2017-2018

The directors present their report, together with the financial statements, on the company for the year ended 30 June 2018.

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

CPD Revalidation Requirements FAQs 2018

Changes to your medical registration requirements and CPD in Australia – Frequently Asked QuestionsChanges to your medical registration requirements and CPD in Australia – Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. The standard of...

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Clinical Radiology

RANZCR Submission Breast Imaging Report

It is RANZCR’s position that radiology services should be provided to patients at one attendance when it is clinically appropriate. The decision to image a patient on a separate day should be made on clinical grounds and not...

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Clinical Radiology

RANZCR response to FPM Position Statement on Procedures in Pain Medicine

Following consultation with key standing committees across both clinical radiology and radiation oncology, RANZCR provides the following feedback.

1. Multidisciplinary nature of procedures for pain management

Pain management...

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Clinical Radiology