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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Grievance Policy

Information about the responsibilities of the College in relation to bullying, discrimination and harassment and the process for raising a grievance related to these behaviours

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Clinical Radiology

Recommendations for Imaging in Children in Non-Dedicated Paediatric Centres Position Statement

The purpose of this document is to provide information to assist radiologists in supplementing adult imaging protocols, and to highlight when an imaging protocol needs to be changed for children (patients).

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Work Health and Safety Policy

Policy outlining information relating to workplace health and safety

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Articles of Association

The Articles by which the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists is governed

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Memorandum of Association

Memorandum of Association for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

NZ Branch Cultural Awareness Tool

Acknowledging that culture is not necessarily restricted to race, nationality, age, gender or religion, this document’s purpose is to recommend resources for further study to assist Radiologists, Radiation Oncologists and...

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Clinical Radiology

Accreditation Standards for Clinical Radiology Training

RANZCR Accreditation Standards for Education, Training and Supervision of Clinical Radiology Trainees

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Radiation Oncology

Radiation Oncology Accreditation Standards and Criteria for Training Networks and Sites

Training networks are encouraged to include a mixture of different training environments, including metropolitan, regional/rural, public and private sites in order to expose radiation oncology trainees to the widest range of...

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Clinical Radiology

MRI Radiologist Application Form

This registration form is for pre-1995 Fellows, Educational Affiliates, International Medical Graduates and Area of Need Radiologists, who are not registered with the College as MRI Supervising Radiologists.

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Clinical Radiology

MRI System Registration Form

A resource for the MRI Quality Program

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