The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is the peak body responsible for the training, assessment and accreditation of clinical radiology and radiation oncology trainees and assessments of...
This document provides examples of the types of questions being asked within the Phase 1 Examinations.
The document is currently marked as Draft as it is awaiting committee approval. Please note that any changes made to the...
2022 - Phase 1 Examination paper
2022 RO Phase 1 Examination paper
The role of the Radiation Oncology Training Accreditation Working Group is to monitor advise and assess sites/networks and make recommendations to ROETC to ensure the current Accreditation Standards and Criteria for Training...
The Radiation Oncology Training Accreditation Working Group (ROTAWG) is comprised of members from the Radiation Oncology Fellowship with an interest in the accreditation, network training and the curriculum.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft National Australian Cancer Plan. RANZCR is strongly supportive of the vision presented in the Australian Cancer Plan (ACP) and celebrates the focus of equity of...
IMG Sample Training Plan Template
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