The combined RANZCR Response and Supplementary Submission to HPCAA Amendment Bill
The Clinical Radiology Workforce Committee (CRWC) of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR), Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR), are delighted to present the 2020 Clinical Radiology Workforce...
RANZCR submission to NZ Ministry of Health regarding consultation on the Radiation Oncology National Linear Accelerator And Workforce Plan 2016 – 2021.
The College has developed a position paper on MRI access for Cervical Cancer Patients advocating removal of the once in a lifetime limitation from the Medicare Item. This paper has been submitted to the MBS Review.
The Clinical Radiology Workforce Committee (CRWC) of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (FCR), Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR), are delighted to present the 2016 Clinical Radiology Workforce...
The Radiation Oncology Tripartite Committee hosted a Consumer Forum in Sydney on 13 August 2013, to discuss common priorities and agendas with a group of informed consumers.
This report provides an overview of discussions held during the Radiation Oncology Tripartite Stakeholder Forum, hosted by the Faculty of Radiation Oncology (FRO) in February 2014.
The New Zealand Branch Committee has considered the terms of the Health & Disability review in terms of how Radiology could be improved in New Zealand, and the Committee has provided significant feedback to the system review...
The NZ Radiation Oncology Executive has considered the terms of the Health & Disability review in terms of how access to Radiation Oncology could be improved in New Zealand, and has provided significant feedback to the system...
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