These Recency of Practice Guidelines outline the requirements and recommendations for Radiation Oncologists returning to practice after a period of leave of absence.
Maori legend says that the demigod Maui obtained his knowledge from his grandmother’s jawbone. He fashioned a matau (hook) with that jawbone and fished up the North Island....
It is RANZCR’s position that radiology services should be provided to patients at one attendance when it is clinically appropriate. The decision to image a patient on a separate day should be made on clinical grounds and not...
Approximately 16,000 women and 150 men are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 and more than 3,000 will die.1 With a 1 in 8 lifetime risk of developing the disease, breast cancer is now the most common cancer...
Breast Imaging Lesion Classification
There are two different classification systems in common use for classifying lesions discovered on breast imaging:
1. The Tabar/RANZCR classification, used in BreastScreen Australia and...
The Applied Imaging Technology Syllabus identifies the topics and learning objectives for Applied Imaging Technology that trainees are expected to know and demonstate proficiency in by the end of their training. The topics are...
To be implemented from 2025, this document should be read in conjunction with the RANZCR Radiation Oncology Training Site Accreditation Standards.
The purpose of a formal process of accreditation and reaccreditation of sites...
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