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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

Managing Cancer Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Agility and Collaboration Towards a Common Goal

Managing Cancer Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Agility and Collaboration Towards a Common Goal

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Clinical Radiology

COVID-19: Pandemic Planning Clinical Guideline for Patients with Cancer (Ontario Health)

Pandemic Planning Clinical Guideline for Patients with Cancer (Ontario Health)

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Clinical Radiology

Covid-19 Outbreak in Northern Italy: First Practical Implications for Radiotherapy Departments

Covid-19 Outbreak in Northern Italy: First Practical Implications for Radiotherapy Departments

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Clinical Radiology

COVID-19: Procedure for covering injection pump

Suggested procedure for covering injection pump and associated non-disposable injector related equipment when scanning a patient with suspected COVID-19.

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Clinical Radiology

Re-introduction of Interventional Radiology and Interventional Neuroradiology services during COVID-19 Position Paper

The College has published a statement on Interventional Radiology (IR) and Interventional Neuroradiology (INR) procedures during COVID-19. As we begin to see our health systems impacted by the pandemic, it is crucial that...

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

Education and Training Guidelines for Decision making related to COVID-19

RANZCR Education and Training Guidelines for Decision making related to COVID 19

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

COVID-19: Procedure for Covering Injection Pump and Associated Non – Disposable Injector - related equipment.

Procedure for Covering Injection Pump and Associated Non – Disposable Injector - related equipment.

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Clinical Radiology

Advice on appropriate use of CT throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

Updated 20 April

RANZCR has released a position statement on the appropriate use of CT during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in relation to patients undergoing emergency surgery.

RANZCR recognises the need for our...

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Clinical Radiology

IR and INR Reference Group EOI form

This is an expression of interest form

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Clinical Radiology

IR and INR Reference Group Terms of Reference

IR and INR Reference Group Terms of Reference

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