Position Statements, Consultations and Submissions

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Position Statements, Consultations and Submissions

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Position Statements, Consultations and Submissions

Below you will find an index of position statements and submissions produced by RANZCR as part of our work to advocate for the clinical radiology and radiation oncology professions. Search by keyword and use the filters to find what you're looking for.

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Radiation Oncology

FRO Submission into Review of ROHPG Scheme

Faculty of Radiation Oncology submission into review of ROHPG Scheme. March 2016

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Clinical Radiology

RANZCR Submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into CWP

RANZCR Submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the re-emergence of pneumoconiosis (also known as ‘black lung’ or ‘coal miners’ lung’)

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Radiation Oncology

FRO Position Paper on Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) 2015

This paper seeks to broadly outline the role of IGRT and to endorse position papers published internationally surrounding activities required for the safe and effective use of IGRT.

This document is currently under review.

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Submission to the MBS Review Taskforce Consultation Paper

RANZCR Submission to the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce Consultation Paper

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Radiation Oncology

FRO Response to MBS Consultation Paper

The Faculty of Radiation Oncology Response to MBS Consultation Paper November 2015

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Clinical Radiology

FCR Response to MBS Review Taskforce Consultation

The FCR believes it is imperative that the MBS Review Taskforce obtains input from clinical radiologists through representation on all clinical committees where that discipline is reliant on DI to deliver care.


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Clinical Radiology

RANZCR response to PHCAG Better Outcomes Discussion Paper

RANZCR Submission to The Primary Health Care Advisory Group regarding Better Outcomes for People with Chronic and Complex Health Conditions through Primary Health Care.

August 2015



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Clinical Radiology

RANZCR Submission to the Regulatory Impact Statement Consultation


RANZCR submission to the Consultation Regulation Impact Statement: Improving The Quality And Safety Of Medicare Funded Diagnostic Imaging Services Through The Enhancement Of Regulatory And Accreditation...

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR submission to the NZ Radiation Safety Bill

RANZCR submission to the Health Select Committe Members on the New Zealand Radiation Safety Bill. April 2015

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Submission to NZ Medical Radiation Technologists Board Consultation

RANZCR Response to Medical Radiation Technologists Board Consultation January 2015

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