Professional Documents

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Professional Documents

radiation oncology

Below you will find an index of policies, guidelines, standards and position statements/papers relevant to radiation oncology. Search by keyword and use the filters to find what you're looking for.

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

Re-Entry into the Training Programs Policy

This Policy is a cross-faculty Policy which is intended to provide a framework by which former trainees can re-enter the Clinical Radiology Training Program or the Radiation Oncology Training Program.

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Radiation Oncology

Training Requirements (Radiation Oncology) Policy

This Policy is designed to stipulate the requirements trainees must complete during the Training Program. The policy also applies to prospective applicants to the Training Program and has been developed with close reference to...

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Statement on Iodinated Contrast Media Shortage

RANZCR Statement on Iodinated Contrast Media Shortage.

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Statement of Intent for Maori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is committed to supporting the professions of clinical radiology and radiation oncology to contribute to equitable health outcomes for Māori, Aboriginal...

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Statement of Intent for Maori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (b)

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is committed to supporting the professions of clinical radiology and radiation oncology to contribute to equitable health outcomes for Māori, Aboriginal...

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

Area of Need (AoN) Site Accreditation Application Guidelines

This document outlines the processes the College undertakes to accredit Area of Need (AoN) sites as upskilling providers for International Medical Graduates (IMG). It is important to note that this document should be read in...

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Radiation Oncology

2022 Radiation Oncology Area of Need Site Accreditation Standards

This document lays out the requirements for radiation oncology sites and practices to gain Area of Need accreditation for the upskilling of IMGs on the Specialist Recognition pathway.

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Action Plan for Maori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

This Action Plan has been developed by the College’s Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Executive Committee (MATEC) and is presented to our membership, stakeholders and internal governing bodies for comment. March...

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

RANZCR Australian federal election 2022

RANZCR has identified six priority areas that we ask political parties to commit to ahead of the 2022 Australian Federal election.

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Radiation Oncology

Radiation Oncology Telehealth Principles

In radiation oncology, telehealth offers opportunity to improve professional support to regional services, outreach services and patient follow up as well as offering the opportunity to protect patients at risk from exposure...

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