New Targeting Cancer Website Live Today

15 July 2024
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is...

Expressions of interest are being called for The Culture of Medicine Joint Faculty Working Group

12 July 2024
The Culture of Medicine Joint Faculty Working Group includes...

Expressions of interest are being called for the position of Deputy Chief Accreditation Officer for clinical radiology

05 July 2024
Expressions of interest are being called for Fellow members with interest...

Supporting the professions

Providing the latest information on activities within the College to support the clinical radiology and radiation oncology professions.


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Providing the latest information on activities within the College to support the clinical radiology and radiation oncology professions.

Webcast Library

Access a catalogue of presentations from past RANZCR events
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The Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology is RANZCR’s peer reviewed journal
Access JMIRO


The Radiation Oncology Training Program is changing - click here to find out more

The Radiation Oncology Training Program Curriculum is a guide to everything that is covered in the current radiation oncology training program. The curriculum outlines the structure of the training program, the knowledge and skills that you are expected to develop and the nature of the various assessments that occur throughout training.

As a radiation oncology trainee, you should be familiar with this document. You will especially need to consult the Medical Expert Supplements (MES), in conjunction with the Radiation Oncology Central Knowledge and Skills Summary (ROCKSS).

Download Curriculum

Learning Opportunities, Events and Resources

There are a wealth of opportunities, events and resources available to support and enhance your curriculum learning:

RANZCR Learning Management System

The College’s Learning Management System (LMS) is an online platform to College members that provides College members with educational resources such as online tutorials, e-learning courses, and journals. Some of the modules available include communication, performance feedback, the role of a manager and managing others. View a full list of courses available within the LMS

RANZCR Trainee Learning Day

The Trainee Learning Day forms part of the College’s Annual Scientific Meeting (usually Friday). The program for the day is determined by the Radiation Oncology Trainees Committees and usually includes teaching sessions, trainee presentations (Branch of Origins, Varian session), a discussion forum and dedicated topical sessions.

RANZCR Webcast Library

The College has made available presenting sessions from some of its scientific meetings and local Branch events through a webcast library. The library contains a suite of sessions from 2010 - 2018.

Non-medical Expert Resources

For help with non-medical expert aspects of the curriculum, see Ethics and Interpersonal Skills.

Courses and Workshops

For more information about any of these courses, including upcoming dates, see our Events page.