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Clinical Radiology Examinations

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Clinical Radiology Exams

Important notice: Dates and locations confirmed for 2021 written examinations

  • The College is aware of the situation in NSW and Queensland with COVID-19 outbreaks
  • Examinations are planned to continue but the situation is being monitored
  • If candidates are not able to sit or not comfortable sitting the examinations, they must submit special considerations and sit at the next sitting

Written examination locations and format details

Due to COVID-19 we have had to deliver our Part 1 and Part 2 examinations in different formats for Series 2 2020 and Series 1 2021. The written examinations were successfully facilitated on the new examination platform, Practique, at multiple locations, and we plan for this to continue.

Part 2 vivas

We are pleased to be able to share with you that the Series 2 2021 vivas will be delivered in a digital format. Hardcopy film cases will no longer be used. This is a long awaited and significant milestone for the College.

The examinations will align with the current examination format but will be delivered on the new Practique electronic examination platform, which has already been introduced for the e-film and written examinations.

All examination cases will be blueprinted, standardised and prepared prior to the viva examination. Examiners will examine for 25 mins showing digital cases for a candidate to review using the Practique system. Candidates will be able to control how they view the cases and scroll through a series of images. The viva examination on Practique will have similar viewing tools to those of the current written examinations on Practique. The same case set will be used for all candidates examined on the same day, by all examiners across multiple jurisdictions.

A demonstration examination is being prepared so that candidates may become familiar with the new delivery method.

Due to the continued international and Australian border closures it is planned that the Viva examinations will take place in a virtual format, held over three days from 10 – 12 November 2021. Candidates will be allocated to the Clifton's Training Centre (or affiliated site) within the Branch where they reside. Candidates will be virtually connected to the examination and examiners using the Practique system. Examiners will be located at four locations (Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Auckland).

The College sent a communique to all candidates on 4 August 2021 confirming the location and format of Part 1 and Part 2 examinations. A copy of that communique is available here: Letter to trainees Clinical Radiology confirmation of locations Series 2 Part 1&2 Examinations

2022 Examinations:

Series 1 Part 1 Exams

Apply by 
11 February 2022 e-Anatomy 28 March

Online Proctoring.

Applications open 5 December 2021.


e-Applied Imaging Technology 29 March

Series 1 Part 2 Exams

 Apply by





11 February 2022

e-Film Reading 

17 March

TBC for VIVAs to be kept at Melbourne.

Applications open 5 December 2021.


e-Radiology and e-Pathology MCQ

18 March

VIVA Examinations

24 - 27 May


Series 2 Part 1 Exams

Apply by 
4 July 2022 e-Anatomy 12 September

Online Proctoring.

Applications open 2 May 2022.


e-Applied Imaging Technology 13 September

Series 2 Part 2 Exams

 Apply by





4 July 2022

e-Film Reading 

1 September

TBC for VIVAs to be kept at Melbourne.

Applications open 2 May 2022.


e-Radiology and e-Pathology MCQ

2 September

VIVA Examinations

8 - 11 November


From 2022, all Clinical Radiology Examinations will be aligned to the 2022 Training Program Learning Outcomes, regardless of examination format. Please see Related Documents at the bottom of this page to access RANZCRs new Learning Outcomes.

About the Exams

There are two major exams in the clinical radiology training program:

Part 1

The Part 1 exams consists of examinations in Anatomy and Applied Imaging Technology (AIT) and must be completed within two years of commencing training:

  • e-AIT Paper 1: 10 essay questions in three sections
  • e-AIT Paper 2: 100 multiple choice questions (MCQs)
  • e-Anatomy Paper 1: 15 short answer questions
  • e-Anatomy Paper 2: 8 short answer questions.

Part 2

The Part 2 exam consists of two examinations in Clinical Radiology and one examination in Pathology, and seven Vivas (oral exams), and is usually taken in Year 4 or 5.

  • e-Film Reading: Eight short answer questions using radiology film cases
  • e-Radiology: 100 multiple choice questions (MCQs)
  • e-Pathology: 100 multiple choice questions {(MCQs)
  • Vivas: Live oral film reading/pathological image exams. There are seven vivas topics to be passed (six body systems and one Pathology), and each viva will include multiple cases.


To sit the Part 1 exam, you must be in an accredited training position. You must take the whole exam at once, on your first sitting.

To sit the Part 2 exam, you must have passed the Part 1 exam, completed 3 years of training, all Phase 1 assessments and be in an accredited training position.

International medical graduates may be permitted to sit the Part 2 examinations in certain circumstances. See International Medical Graduates

How to Apply

  1. Download and print the application form for Part 1 or Part 2 
  2. Complete the form, including payment for exam fees and any other items required such as passport photos
  3. Send the completed application form, including required signed documentation, by mail or email to the address listed on the form. We must receive the application by 4pm on the relevant closing date. Late applications are not accepted
  4. An acknowledgement of receipt of application will be emailed within 10 business days of the application being received at the College office.(where reasonably practical). Confirmation of receipt of application will NOT be provided via phone. Contact the College immediately if you have not received an acknowledgement within 10 business days.

A note for Part 1 candidates:
At the time of the examination you must be employed as an accredited radiology trainee and you must have completed all required training program assessments at the time of applying to sit the examination. If you commence in an accredited radiology training position after the closing date for applications, in addition to submitting the examination application form, the completed and required attachments of the Approval of Course in Training Form must be submitted with your examination application prior to the closing date.

Exam Fees

Trainees pay an examination fee to cover the costs of operating the exams. Visit the College Fees page for details on exam fees.

How to Withdraw

If you need to withdraw from an exam, you must inform the College in writing. If you withdraw up to four weeks before the exam, there is no financial penalty. If you withdraw within four weeks of the exam, you will be refunded 50% of the exam fee. If you fail to attend the exam you forfeit the exam fee.

Preparing for Exams

RANZCR has many resources to help you prepare for exams, including user guides and past exam papers.

Demonstration Site and Online Practice Exam (OPE):

The RANZCR Clinical Radiology Written Examinations are now being delivering on a new digital platform. The instructional video below should be watched by all candidates before practicing on the accompanying demonstration site. It is essential that candidates watch the video and familarise themselves with the new platform on the demonstration site before attempting the examination.

Candidates should be aware the “Question Type Demonstration” consists of one sample question from each of the following written examinations:

  • Part 1: Anatomy Paper 1
  • Part 1: Anatomy Paper 2
  • Part 1: AIT Exam Paper 1
  • Part 1: AIT Exam Paper 2
  • Part 2: Radiology MCQ Exam
  • Part 2: Pathology MCQ Exam

Please note, the ‘Question Type Demonstration’ is not intended to be a study tool, but instead a method for candidates to familiarise themselves with the new platform. The platform will include a countdown timer for the RANZCR examinations so that candidates know how much time remains during the live exam. This has intentionally been disabled for the demonstration so that candidates can spend as much time as they desire in the demonstration.

Candidates can now access the Part 2: e-Film online practice examination through the links and login below. The online practice examination replicates the real examination with use of tools and question navigation.


Demonstration Site and Online Practice Exam Instructional Videos:

Question Type Demo Exam Instructional Video

eFilm OPE Exam Instructional Video


Demonstration Site and Online Practice Exam Login:

Exams OPE

Login ID is 11001, with password 11001.

The new platform demonstration site requires the following PINs to access the different examinations:

  • E-Film Online Practice Exam PIN:        908916
  • Question Type Demonstration PIN:       613235

The candidate ID number for the two examinations is 11001. Please note the platform works best on the Google Chrome browser.

Preparing for the Part 1 Exam


e-Applied Imaging Technology:

Preparing for the Part 2 Exam

e-MCQs (Pathology):

e-Film Reading 



Examination Prizes

The College presents prizes to the most successful candidates in College examinations. Visit our Examination Prizes page for more information.