New Targeting Cancer Website Live Today

15 July 2024
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) is...

Expressions of interest are being called for The Culture of Medicine Joint Faculty Working Group

12 July 2024
The Culture of Medicine Joint Faculty Working Group includes...

Expressions of interest are being called for the position of Deputy Chief Accreditation Officer for clinical radiology

05 July 2024
Expressions of interest are being called for Fellow members with interest...

Supporting the professions

Providing the latest information on activities within the College to support the clinical radiology and radiation oncology professions.


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Providing the latest information on activities within the College to support the clinical radiology and radiation oncology professions.

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Access a catalogue of presentations from past RANZCR events
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The Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology is RANZCR’s peer reviewed journal
Access JMIRO

Cultural Development Learning Opportunities and Resources

The Training Programs are changing - click here to find out more

Australian Indigenous Doctors Association (AIDA)

Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA) is a not-for-profit, member-based, professional association supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students and doctors.

The AIDA Cultural Safety Toolkit have available a broad compilation of education and information resources that is intended to evolve over time. AIDA welcomes feedback and suggestions to enhance this resource.

Te Ora

Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa – Māori Medical Practitioners Association (Te ORA) is a professional body representing Māori medical students and doctors working as clinicians, researchers and teachers.

The LIME Network

Leaders in Indigenous Medical Education resources hub developed to enhance information sharing and develop deliver initiatives in Indigenous medical and health education and encourage the development of Indigenous health as a discipline.

RANZCR New Zealand Branch

Cultural Awareness Resource Tool, a reference document of resources.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) 

An introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health cultural protocols and perspectives

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resources and Guides
