The FCR believes it is imperative that the MBS Review Taskforce obtains input from clinical radiologists through representation on all clinical committees where that discipline is reliant on DI to deliver care.
The Faculty of Radiation Oncology Response to MBS Consultation Paper November 2015
A presentation by one of the Faculty of Radiation Oncology members from New South Wales at a past NSW Radiotherapy Club Meeting.
A presentation by an international guest speaker at a past NSW Radiotherapy Club Meeting.
This position paper is a summary from a longer document which outlines the evolution of the specialty, the practice of radiology, the training of radiologists and the value of radiologists in healthcare.
2015 article celebrating RANZCR's 80th anniversary, with a focus on milestone from 1990s onwards
Past Paper: Anatomy Paper 1 - series 2 2015
Past Paper: Anatomy Paper 2 - Series 2 2015
Past Paper: AIT Paper 1 - Series 2 2015
Past Paper: e-Film Reading - Series 2 2015
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