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Clinical Radiology

Media Release - RANZCR launches world leading standards for the use of AI in healthcare

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) has reinforced Australia and New Zealand at the forefront of the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare with the release of world-leading...

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D'Amico Bio

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Radiation Oncology

FRO NZ Election 2020 Survey Response

In the lead up to the New Zealand election, RANZCR sought commitments from all parties on the issues most important to our members, including patient access to safe and vital medical imaging and radiation therapy. Results of...

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Clinical Radiology

FCR NZ Election 2020 Survey Response

In the lead up to the New Zealand election, RANZCR sought commitments from all parties on the issues most important to our members, including patient access to safe and vital medical imaging and radiation therapy. Results of...

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

Media release - RANZCR Budget Response

The Budget impact on clinical radiology and radiation oncology

RANZCR is pleased to see the Morrison Government’s 2020 budget recognise the vital role digital health will play now and into the future.

RANZCR welcomes the...

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Radiation Oncology

RANZCR response to MSAC Application 1638 – Proton Beam Therapy for paediatric and rare cancers

RANZCR provided written feedback to the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) to support MSAC Application 1638 – Proton Beam Therapy for paediatric and rare cancers.

RANZCR advocates strongly for a nationally...

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Clinical Radiology

Radiation Oncology Phase 2 Exam Update Communique 2020

Radiation Oncology Phase 2 Exam Update Communique 2020

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Clinical Radiology

How to access the eFilm OPE and the Demonstration exam as a candidate

This user guide contains step by step instructions on how to access the eFilm OPE and the Demonstration exam as a candidate

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