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Clinical Radiology Training Requirements

Overview The Clinical Radiology Training Program is designed as a five-year training program and structured in three major phases.  This sequencing is to ensure trainees develop foundation knowledge and skills during Phase 1...

Clinical Radiology Training Requirements – Phase 2

Please refer to the Clinical Radiology Training Program Handbook for this information. 

Clinical Radiology Training Requirements – Phase 3

Please refer to the Clinical Radiology Training Program Handbook for this information. 

Becoming a Fellow

The prerequisites for trainees to be admitted to Fellowship of the College (FRANZCR) are:Pass both Phase 1 and Phase 2 examinations in clinical radiology. Complete a minimum of five years of practical training in training...

Transitioning Trainees - Clinical Radiology

Transition Arrangements for Clinical Radiology  The Clinical Radiology Training Program is designed as a five-year training program and structured in three major phases. All trainees who were enrolled in the training program...

Trainees - Resources and Support

The Trainees Resources and Support section has been developed to assist you through your training journey, you can browse through our resources pages by clicking the buttons below.  ePortfolio Cultural...

Cultural Safety

OverviewCultural safety is defined by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and National Health Leadership Forum of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health peak organisations (in consultation with the MBA...

Training Site Locations - Trainees

Providing a training environment that is supportive of trainee needs and meets the training curriculum and regulatory requirements is a shared responsibility of the College, training departments, training networks, clinical...

Communication and Feedback - Trainees

Coming soon!   Our new Resources and Support pages for Trainees and Trainers will be launching soon. Keep up to date with our progress in the monthly eNews or contact the training team via email:   Clinical Radiology...

Contact and FAQs - Trainees

Contact Us Clinical Radiology  For general clinical radiology training enquiries, please contact: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Trainee Help Desk: +61 2...