14 October 2024

Have your say - Particle Therapy in Australia Implementation Plan Consultation

This document describes an implementation plan (roadmap) for particle therapy in Australia in the lead up to the first operational proton beam therapy (PBT) centre and beyond. The roadmap should be considered in parallel with the Cancer Australia Strategy for Proton Beam Therapy for cancer patients in Australia. While particle therapy includes PBT, carbon and other ion therapy, this document focusses on the implementation of PBT.

A RANZCR roadmap is considered necessary for particle therapy because of the high cost to establish the treatment, the different behaviour of particle therapy compared to photons and electrons and because patients who will benefit most are those with more complex and rare tumours. Furthermore, there is an imperative to advocate for equitable access to treatment that is a limited resource.

This consultation is open for feedback until 5pm, 8 November 2024. Please send your feedback to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the consultation close date. Feedback will be collated and considered by the RANZCR Particle Therapy Working Group.

Consultation - Particle Therapy in Australia Implementation Plan