02 September 2024

Casual Vacancy Positions on Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council

Expressions of interest are being called to fill casual vacancy positions on the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council. This is your opportunity to provide input into the work of the Faculty; promote and address the challenges within radiation oncology; and contribute strategically to your professional organisation.

RANZCR is seeking nominations for three (3) Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council positions:

  • One member who must reside in NZ (3 year term commencing January 2025).
  • One member (2 year term commencing January 2025)*.
  • One member (1 year term commencing January 2025)*.

*Please note: Where a person is appointed to fill a casual vacancy and the period of the term is one year or greater, that appointment shall be regarded as a term of office and shall contribute to that person’s total maximum terms on Council. See Part 4 of the Faculty of Radiation Oncology By-Laws for further information.

The Faculty of Radiation Oncology is governed by a Council, which oversees all bodies within the Faculty. The Faculty sets quality standards, provides world-class training and ongoing professional education, and drives research, innovation and collaboration in the treatment of cancer. More information is available on the College website here.

Information about Radiation Oncology Committees in general is available from the Committees section of the College website. 

The composition of the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council is as follows:

•    The Dean, Faculty of Radiation Oncology;
•    Chief Censor, Faculty of Radiation Oncology;
•    Chief of Professional Practice, Faculty of Radiation Oncology;
•    Nine (9) elected Fellows or Life members of the Faculty of Radiation Oncology, of whom at least two (2) must reside in New Zealand;
•    One (1) Student Member nominated by the Radiology Oncology Trainees’ Committee;
•    The President of the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG), or their radiation oncologist designate from the TROG Board (provided they are a member of RANZCR);
•    Not more than 2 persons, one of whom need not be a Member of the College, who may be co-opted by the Faculty Council; and
•    The President, ex officio.


5 Council Meetings per year of which 2 are face to face (the remainder are conducted via teleconference). Responding to out of session items circulated via email as required.

Eligibility criteria

If you are a Fellow or a Life Member of the Faculty of Radiation Oncology and have the passion and drive to contribute to the work of the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Council, we would like to hear from you. If you are interested in making a difference, now is the time to put yourself forward.

The College is an inclusive organisation, and we greatly value the benefit that diversity brings to us. We respect and honour our team, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.

How to apply

Applicants must submit a 300 word Expression of Interest statement outlining your interest in and credentials for the position, and a copy of your CV.  Please submit your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like further information, please contact Mr Rami Elzahaby (Manager, Faculty Councils) via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on (02) 9268 9728.

Applications close at 5pm AEDT, 11 October 2024.