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You are viewing 71 - 80 of 284 results for 'digital imaging'

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Clinical Radiology

Perinatal Post-mortem Imaging Workshop Advanced Course Program

Perinatal Post-mortem Imaging Workshop Advanced Course Program.

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Clinical Radiology

RANZCR Submission Breast Imaging Report

It is RANZCR’s position that radiology services should be provided to patients at one attendance when it is clinically appropriate. The decision to image a patient on a separate day should be made on clinical grounds and not...

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Clinical Radiology

Statement of Principles - Breast Imaging in Australia

Approximately 16,000 women and 150 men are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 and more than 3,000 will die.1 With a 1 in 8 lifetime risk of developing the disease, breast cancer is now the most common cancer...

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Clinical Radiology

Breast Imaging Grading Comparison and Lesion Classification

Breast Imaging Lesion Classification

There are two different classification systems in common use for classifying lesions discovered on breast imaging:

1. The Tabar/RANZCR classification, used in BreastScreen Australia and...

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Clinical Radiology

Applied Imaging Technology Syllabus in Radiodiagnosis Curriculum

The Applied Imaging Technology Syllabus identifies the topics and learning objectives for Applied Imaging Technology that trainees are expected to know and demonstate proficiency in by the end of their training. The topics are...

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Clinical Radiology

RANZCR/SSA Joint Guidelines for Confirming Vertebral Levels in Spine Imaging

In any cross-sectional imaging study of the spine, there must be images unambiguously demonstrating the relationship between each transverse image displayed and the segmental levels of the vertebral column.

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Clinical Radiology

Position Statement - Prioritising Imaging during COVID-19

Delivery of care in clinical radiology requires close personal contact with patients who may be suspected or known cases of COVID-19 receiving care related to COVID-19 or related to other disease(s). Furthermore, delivery of...

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Clinical Radiology

FCR Breast Imaging Advisory ALCL Position Statement

This policy statement documents the position taken by the Faculty of Clinical Radiology, on the advice of the Breast Imaging Advisory Committee, regarding the imaging of breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma...

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