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You are viewing 281 - 285 of 285 results for 'digital imaging'

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Cultural Safety

OverviewCultural safety is defined by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and National Health Leadership Forum of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health peak organisations (in consultation with the MBA...

Radiation Oncology Patient Safety and Clinical Decision Making for Virtual Appointments

RANZCR Faculty of Radiation Oncology's position on appropriate scheduling of virtual appointments (as opposed to face-to-face) with patients under the care of radiation oncologists in Australia and New Zealand in the context...

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Clinical Radiology

New Current Opportunities Available

The College has a number of new vacancies on committees or groups: Members, Professional Practice Committee OverviewExpressions of...
Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

Education and Training Guidelines for Decision making related to COVID-19

RANZCR Education and Training Guidelines for Decision making related to COVID 19

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Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

20220519 RANZCR Submission to Automated decision making and AI regulation Issues Paper

The use of software in medicine has advanced significantly in recent decades, a trend that is expected to accelerate. There are complex interactions in decision-making between the clinician, the service provider and the...

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