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Clinical Radiology

Learning Opportunities

The Write Stuff: Effective Communication and the Clinical Radiology Report The Radiology written report is the main way in which you, as a radiologist, communicate your interpretation of imaging findings.  It is the core of...
Clinical Radiology

Clinical Radiology Consultations

The current consultations for members to participate in are listed as follows:  Position Statement on the Use of Sedation and Anesthesia in Paediatric Imaging ...
Clinical Radiology

Position Statement: Artificial Intelligence and COVID-19

RANZCR supports research into Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other advanced medical imaging technologies to assist in the clinical care of patients with COVID-19. However, RANZCR does not recommend the use of CT imaging to...
Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

Quality and Standards

RANZCR aims to continually improve the quality and standards of clinical radiology and radiation oncology services in Australia and New Zealand. This is done by developing quality and safety resources and engaging with...
Clinical Radiology

Response to the draft National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan

RANZCR provided written feedback to the Australian Department of Health to recommend that our expert clinical radiologists be directly involved in the ongoing development of the Government’s National Stillbirth Action and...
Clinical Radiology Radiation Oncology

COVID-19: Resources and Useful Links

The College continues to monitor emerging literature relevant to our Radiology and Radiation Oncology members. The resources identified include key links to educational material on imaging findings and links to information on...

Clinical Radiology Phase 1 Examination

The objective of the Phase 1 Examination is to assess a candidate’s competency and required level of knowledge and understanding of anatomy and Applied Imaging Technology as it relates to clinical radiology. Each exam has a...

Clinical Radiology Examinations

Completion of the Clinical Radiology Training Program depends on successfully passing both the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Clinical Radiology Examinations.The Phase 1 examinations include Anatomy and Applied Imaging Technology (AIT),...
Clinical Radiology

Australians are missing out on life-saving MRI

Australians are missing out on potentially life-saving Magnetic Resource Imaging (MRI) services due to chronic underfunding by successive Commonwealth governments. MRI is used to detect cancer and other life-threatening...
Clinical Radiology

BreastScreen Changes in Victoria

BreastScreen Victoria would like to notify Victorian radiologists about improvements in the program which may impact radiologists in private and public breast imaging practice.  From Monday 4 September, BSV will allocate...